Gmail Now Offering 4GB Storage

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Third Eye

gooby pls
A few days ago, the Mountain View super giant announced that it has decided to speed up the Gmail storage size counter in order to offer more space for the registered users. Previously, the Google mail technology offered 2,8GB of storage size but the counter was continuously increasing it. Today,
the storage space reached 4GB of storage, at this time Gmail offering 4222.173152 megabytes (and counting) of free storage.

Since Gmail was released on April 1, 2004, it quickly attracted users' attention because it provided no less than 1 GB storage capacity, the largest capacity ever implemented into a mail technology at that time. Although it was available only by invitation, almost every user who wanted an account managed to get one since every registered Gmail member received 100 invites.

The battle for the largest email storage size has started this year when the Yahoo officials announced that their technology will be offering unlimited storage size for all the users. Because Gmail was somehow surprised by this move, the Gmail representatives said Google's mail service will implement unlimited storage plus one just to be over the Yahoo rivals that announced infinite capacity.

In addition to the current Gmail offering, you can also buy additional Gmail and Picasa Web Albums size straight from Google. The prices are pretty low as you must pay $20 per year for 10 GB, $75 per year for 40 GB, $250 per year for 150 GB and $500 per year for 400 GB.

"Your shared storage space will be used by whatever service needs it. Picasa's free storage is for photos only, and Gmail's is just for Gmail messages, but the shared storage can be all photos, all messages or a mix of both. You can't set aside shared storage space for one service - it will be used by any service that's over its free storage quota on a first-come, first-served basis," Gmail describes the storage acquisition.


From my account:

You are currently using 0 MB (0%) of your 4226 MB. :D


CG Artist
I always have a problem sending mails through gmail.Everytime it says "Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:" :mad: Whats the cause?
Third Eye

Third Eye

gooby pls
gaurav_indian said:
I always have a problem sending mails through gmail.Everytime it says "Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:" :mad: Whats the cause?

Do you type email address correctly when composing mail? :p


Cool news... :) But why are these guys running behind increasing the storage space alone? I can't think of ever using that much of space. Instead all service providers can concentrate on providing more space for file attachments. That area is lagging in all services.

gaurav_indian said:
I always have a problem sending mails through gmail.Everytime it says "Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:" :mad: Whats the cause?

Becoz those are spam...And you do like it...isn't it? :D

Ankur Gupta

Wandering in time...
^^Storage is not the only criterion for deciding which is a better email service..
Today almost all email service providers have storage capacity that would satisy the needs of 99.9999% of people in the world..
Its the other features like free POP3 access,AJAX interface and hell lot of other features that sets Gmail a league apart from rest...


Tribal Boy

For me, its the interface and speed. Gmail - Very simple interface. No distracting things, no flashing ads or other un-related stuff. Neat and clean. And I like the labels, and all functions of Gmail.

I use the pop facility, but I check web interface regularly too, as its really nice, fast and simple.


 Macboy
Label spam? WTH!

Anyway, from the day I got my gmail invite, I just about instantly moved from hotmail to gmail. It is so fast and efficient. And now this extra space...
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