Getting this RIG tomorrow

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Cyborg Agent
@darklord u busy with a new bench set up somethin??:)
Unfortunately no :(
How i wish i was busy benching but sadly thats not the fact.
You see i have to work to keep myself breathing and then keep financing my stupid hardware purchases.So i am busy with that boring activity called 'Work' lately :D


Broken In
U might have to wait for a long time to get a noticeably better graphics card..
And it seems like Nvidia's planning to develop it's next generation of graphics solutions with a new architecture.. so there is a chance tht watever it is, u might hv to upgrade ur rig anyway..

Dunno abt ATi, but i think the GF 9800's should hold out nicely till then.. :)


Rising ApocalypsE
9800GTX is just waste of money. Go with basic display card as u have decided earlier.
And wait for 9800GT. Or if high end, then 48070XT or 9900GTX.
But they will be available after July!


Wise Old Owl
couldnt find a better place to post my Q6600 OC :D
XFX 680i SLi - the very first one,no revision at all,bought on launch day in Us and this board has volage errors-actual voltage is always less than whats specified in bios so more vcore headache ,
latest bios
Patriot Signature 800mhz rams



heck i missed that darklord's OC comp.. :(


Living to Succeed
Can someone give me some tips on overclocking ... i have this 6600 cpu and Abit IX38QuadGT with Corsair 4gb 800mhz ram


Wise Old Owl
Disable options like CPU Spread Spectrum,thermal control,CPUID max level,C1E halt state

Unlink FSB and RAm first
first start increasing the FSB
should go around 1333 (3ghz) without any V-core increase and see if system runs stable..test with Superprime.
then increase little voltage, like 1.3v to 1.325 V and increase some FSB , see the result , keep it going and keep increasing Voltage/FSB

i'm running it at 1.4 V
it CAN be run at 1.45V, 4ghz but temps get high and u need water cooling. 3.8ghz with 90i ultima is enough

btw there's official thread for this on abit--

btw a nice purchase there, congrats..
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Broken In
Good choice overall Ajay.
Stick with the Q6600, i really dont like the Q9300, its got a low Multi, lesser cache and its more expensive than Q6600.I really dont see a reason why anyone should buy that chip.

Stick with whatever you have decided, its a good solid combo.

Congrats in advance ;-)

How about a Q9450? Its got a Good Cache. Good Speed. More Efficient in terms of Power.
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