Get FOSS - the download links thread

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This thread is for those of you who are looking for a particular opensource software/distro. BitTorrent and direct links of anything related to opensource will be posted here in the format

Example said:
Name: The Gautham OS

<url of a page containing several links>

(direct link)


The next generation OS from Gautham, version 1.0

Post links to different distros, software, etc here so that people looking for something can directly search this thread instead of breaking their head with various sites. Please post extra trackers for torrents if possible, because it can help increase number of seeders.


Name: Fedora 9

Link: *
it contains links for all versions of the current fedora release


fedora is a cutting edge distribution based on the rpm package manager by Red Hat Community. This version has, among many things, the sexy looking KDE4 and the futuristic ext4 file system support.
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I've always wanted to know this, what is Gautham OS.

Please don't insult my intelligence by saying "Its a custom OS". What I would like to know is what Base OS did you use [I'm assuming you din't code a kernel], what else is "customized". Don't you have a web page of it?


Google Bot
Err, I suppose that was just a mock example. Of the format in which OSes should be posted? :p

Anyways you should google ur 'Linux from Scratch'


Well I could swear he once mentioned that he actually uses Gautham OS.

In fact, here you go :

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