GEFORCE 2MX400(8mb of 64mb)?and overclock.?

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Oldskool TranceAddict
go ahaed and leave panic. try unistalling the forceware driver (using detonator RIP). then install the latest drivers and use the "Expert Tool" to overclock your card. much better than ur nvidia interface and powerstrip.
go to *
also u can find expert tool at *


In the zone
maverickrohan said:
u feel ur card gives u decent performance compared to other GF2 cards
well i never said that :roll:

maverickrohan said:
my suggestion....forget overclocking a GF2....try and save up more money so as to buy something like a 9600/5700 or the likes :)
i just wanted to do OCing because i wanted to try an OC.


In the zone
[poWer said:
]go ahaed and leave panic. try unistalling the forceware driver (using detonator RIP). then install the latest drivers and use the "Expert Tool" to overclock your card. much better than ur nvidia interface and powerstrip.
go to *
also u can find expert tool at *
i will just try this and reply with the result.


OOPS..........sorry pal.....
me was havin this little exam....n after that i was changing my mobo n graphics card.........
i will wait for the result of what u r doin right now.........


In the zone
So after implementing power's advice also the memory size is still show as 8mb.

And regarding the EXPERT tool ,i overclocked my card to an increment of 10mhz for both core and memory frequency.But after some time
(even after restarting) the tool shows the default frequencies instead of the OCed one. :(

what now :?:


Oldskool TranceAddict
Do u really see a fall in the FPS of games???
Use FRAPS to check this out at *
Expertool functions fully only if u use GAINWARD drivers.
If u don't see any fall then it should be a error in dispalying memory.
why don't u use POWERSTRIP to OC * (hopefully)

Tell me one thing when u boot ur PC what does the Video BIOS, the one that flashes before ur PC BIOS show. I mean what memory size it shows. if its original size then its OK or if it also shows 8mb sorry to say ur rest ramchips may b corrupt. although i hav never heard this. so don't b nervous. if everything ok there then u "ll hav to do the following

take ur GFX card to ur friend's PC. he shud hav a mobo with AGP slot. plug it there and install the drivers and tell what it shows in nvidia control panel. if u see 8 mb there, take the card to dealer, if u see original size remain cool. it's a problem of wrongly installed driver. Use driver cleaner to completely remove nVidia driver. and try installing the older one.


In the zone
[poWer said:
]Tell me one thing when u boot ur PC what does the Video BIOS, the one that flashes before ur PC BIOS show. I mean what memory size it shows. if its original size then its OK or if it also shows 8mb sorry to say ur rest ramchips may b corrupt.
There it shows 64mb.So there is no problem with the ram on the card...


harish_21_10 said:
And regarding the EXPERT tool ,i overclocked my card to an increment of 10mhz for both core and memory frequency.But after some time
(even after restarting) the tool shows the default frequencies instead of the OCed one. :(

what now :?:

there must be an option "Apply chages on every start" there, check it.


In the zone
sunmysore said:
harish_21_10 said:
And regarding the EXPERT tool ,i overclocked my card to an increment of 10mhz for both core and memory frequency.But after some time
(even after restarting) the tool shows the default frequencies instead of the OCed one. :(

what now :?:

there must be an option "Apply chages on every start" there, check it.
There was an option 'Apply' ,and i did click it.

Only the expert tool shows the increment but not the setting of the card.


In the zone
There is a small cheat for Expertool to work peramnently.(I expect u to b daring). This involves Video BIOS flashing. Get nVflash and NiBitor bios editor from download section.
U need to boot in DOS, go to the directory where u extracted nvflash and type "nvflash" to see the complete list of cammands (as I don't remember them right now :wink: )
first backup ur bios and then edit the bios using nibitor. change the VGA card maker company to Gainward. and the reflash it using command
"nvflash --overridesub biosfilename.rom"
now install gainward special drivers and expertool. and see how nicely it works. one thing more there is no risk involved here so u can do it nicely. expertool can increase the extent of overclock as mention by other ppl
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