> Temps are fine, but you took the screenshot after running the game but you should have done that while running the game.
> Move the top exhaust to side panel as intake. This will bring more cool winter air inside. BTW that multicolor fan looks
I'll get u screen shots of both while playing the game and while the system is idle.
But will moving the top fan resolve my problem of the CPU and motherboard temperature reaching 90 and then shutting down.
Or will I have to buy an heat sink (deepcool frostwin which rijinpk1 suggested cause im really scared to play any games,also if the computer shuts down automatically does it cause any damage to my hardware?? and will any of the heat sinks fit in my NZXT gamma)
And yes i know the LED fan does luk yuk but i didnt realize it while buying it. I guess i just have bad taste..