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Human Spambot
Duke Nukem Forever slated to release in 2011 for pc,ps3,360

PAX Prime 2010: Gearbox president Randy Pitchford confirms that his studio has taken over the long, long, long-awaited shooter, which will be playable on the PAX Prime floor.



What The.... !!!
Duke Nukem Forever slated to release in 2011 for pc,ps3,360

PAX Prime 2010: Gearbox president Randy Pitchford confirms that his studio has taken over the long, long, long-awaited shooter, which will be playable on the PAX Prime floor.


i have seen the trailer from youtube
I wasn't too impressed
seriously, waiting for 9 years for the game to come through,
that's the best they can do?
seriously Epic studios sucks:-|


Working in an IT company
i have seen the trailer from youtube
I wasn't too impressed
seriously, waiting for 9 years for the game to come through,
that's the best they can do?
seriously Epic studios sucks:-|

The game isn't even out yet so there's no need to make preconceived notions. The trailers do not represent the actual gameplay. Also, its not the Epic studios but Gearbox software which are developing the game & its being published by 2K Games.


In the zone
The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings latest screenshots-




Human Spambot
Sony Released Firmware update to Cease PSJailbreak

Sony has officially released a new firmware update for PS3, version 3.42, which seems to only include "additional security features" as explained by Sony's director of hardware marketing John Koller in the official announcement on the PlayStation Blog.

As rumored and then confirmed by Eurogamer, this firmware update's intention was to stop the much-discussed "PSJailbreak" exploit -- in which users used a USB dongle to "fool" a system into thinking it is a debug unit, allowing installation of "unsigned code " (the expectation being pirate games) on the system.

Users who wish to continue to connect to PlayStation Network are required to upgrade to 3.42, but Eurogamer's Rich Leadbetter claims that "people who have the Jailbreak are sticking to 3.41 and using a proxy server bypass to remain online."

Bioware Released ME2 stats



In the zone
Capcom has just confirmed that Devil May Cry 5 is in the works for PS3 and Xbox 360.



The title, DMC, is being developed by Heavenly Sword and Enslaved developer Ninja Theory – and was announced just now at Tokyo Games Show.
Capcom called the title a “rebirth” at the event – and it’s not hard to see why. Dante is now a teenager.
“We’re taking a younger Dante” that incorporates the youth culture of today, from fashion to music to street art etc.,” said Ninja theory boss Tameem Antoniades.

Here is the trailer


Source: CVG


Human Spambot
I have to admit,both DMC and Heavenly Sword, at times, beats God of War. Now with DMC at ninja theory's hands... nothing stops me from getting exited.

quan chi

mortal kombat
Dmc at its worst.Anyways i have no objection to this game unless they remove the tag dmc from it and rename it to anything else.
The game engine resembles too much with the diesel engine.


Back to school!!
Dante looks like a emo zombie twice killed in that trailer, if that character stays I won't touch dmc, first of all bring back the white hair, and also I need nero, liked the devil hand(or whatever) he had, and had the best looking blade I've seen.
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