game suggestionz

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Broken In
entrana said:
ok how much is wic anyways, did u get ur hands on grim and orange box yet, and besides where do u live how am i going to pick it up anyways

nevermind turned of d3d grim is working the game is just to hard and the controls suck, this game better not be good so i can get that orange box

o ya and there is these puzzles they say that elevator and wine part where u need a slower pc to complete is this true how did u complete did u use cpu killer

Hey that is not fair ! I mean that bit about the game not being good so you can get OB ! If you do find it good, do the square thing and admit it like I am committed to doing the square thing !

I played it on a P III 733 MHz, 64 MB RAM computer which was my machine till August 06. I faced no problem whatsoever.

I found it very very smooth in terms of system running and puzzles are hard but if u cracked TLJ, it should not be all that tough for u. I tell u one thing, even if u struggle and don't crack puzzle fully by yourself, just the experience of moving around, trying to crack it and finally cracking either by yourself or by walkthrough will still give u a great experience ! We (our entire family used to be involved when I played) cracked about 50% of puzzles by ourselves and we still found it superb.

The first set of puzzles is hard. You have to solve two puzzles. I solved one by myself and the other I had to read the walkthrough. Mind u, I am NOT good at puzzle solving so u have a good chance of cracking both.

WIC is 1299/-

I will PM u my phone no and then we will see how to get GF to u.
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M$™ Certified Spammer
dont worry i dont need gf anymore it works fine, i just might need to use cpu killer that time when it gets to that part we will see, dont worry ill admit it if its a good game i dont really care about the orange box because im gonna get it anyways next monday


Broken In
I am not worried ! I would give u the OB without hesitation.

btw, I think u r getting OB for the same reason I am getting WIC ! Now guess what that means !


Broken In
Good to see u think that.

You can do this also if u like: if, God forbid, u r stuck, don't go to walkthrough straightaway. First let me know where u r stuck and I will give u hints. That way, u will still have the satisfaction of solving the puzzles though they have been made somewhat easier through the hints.


M$™ Certified Spammer
im using walkthroughs, i always do with adventure games including tlj, but i still loved tlj
this game really isnt great, i must still play it because i paid for it
ill play the game tomorrow its boring me really, not because im using the walkthroughs dont get me wrong
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Broken In
I will buy u the OB. If at this point, u find it boring, then proabably I lost the bet. I am PMing u my cell no and u can talk to me and line up for getting it / picking it up as convenient.

Though I must tell u, u cannot enjoy if u use walkthroughs so fast with Adv games. I solved many of the puzzles myself and it was really exhilerating. Even when I went to walkthrough, I did so after trying a lot so the experience of trying made it also quite enjoyable.


M$™ Certified Spammer
if u really do want to give it to me u can just pm me the cd key because i dont know where u live and my mom doesent allow me to meet strangers, you know what i mean, although u dont have to give it to me..
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Guess Who's Back
actually i don't know why you guys like TF 2 that much i read many reviews both by professional reviewers & user reviewers they all say TF 2 is the weak link of the orange box & it has only six maps right play online..anyway i am buying OB to play the single player game. will tf 2 when more map come out.


Cyborg Agent
Well TF2 is certainly the best thing about Orange Box. Months from now, this is the only thing I am gonna be playing. 6 maps is not a bad thing. No matter how many maps are there, you can play on only one at one time. Repeating the maps gives you a chance to know learn them and think of various strategies.

Any ways, I am sure there will be more maps soon.
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