today, i went with a V8 car to take "Michelle Cannes" for a Date.
know what happened, she wanted to Drive the car
, & she Drove CJ around
& this way the not only the Date finished without any problems, but % (completion) doubled with each date. (e.g if, the default is 5% for each date, so here for each date i got 10% & unlocked the "Race Driver Suit" so soon.
*img46.imageshack.us/img46/8284/michelledrivingwx1.th.jpg *img222.imageshack.us/img222/19/michelledriving1kz5.th.jpg *img228.imageshack.us/img228/8863/michellepd2.th.jpg
if you guys recall, while taking her on date, she says, "Give me a American V8 Any day", i was jus wondering about that, & the took the Sabre to her & suddenly she wants to drive it .
btw she is not a good Driver
V8 Cars i tested.
if you wanna know which is V8, just break the Bonnet of the Car
, & you'll know by seeing the Engine. 
know what happened, she wanted to Drive the car
& this way the not only the Date finished without any problems, but % (completion) doubled with each date. (e.g if, the default is 5% for each date, so here for each date i got 10% & unlocked the "Race Driver Suit" so soon.
*img46.imageshack.us/img46/8284/michelledrivingwx1.th.jpg *img222.imageshack.us/img222/19/michelledriving1kz5.th.jpg *img228.imageshack.us/img228/8863/michellepd2.th.jpg
if you guys recall, while taking her on date, she says, "Give me a American V8 Any day", i was jus wondering about that, & the took the Sabre to her & suddenly she wants to drive it .
btw she is not a good Driver
V8 Cars i tested.
if you wanna know which is V8, just break the Bonnet of the Car