It depends what is your aim in installating freebsd.
If it's just for PC based GUI running on *nix based powerful OS experience, PC-BSD seems excellent choice!
If you are planning to run/test servers, freebsd is better option.
1. Try to print-out / save hardware details of monitor, graphics card, ethernet card.
2. It provides an option of starting up X-based GUI environment for desktop experience.
Packager/Server Installations:
1. This is cool about freebsd. All packages/servers for freebsd are "port'ed" to freebsd environment. Almost all useful packages [for especially server based systems] are port'ed and available. To install any package, lets say from source:
a. go to /usr/ports/
b. to search: ls /usr/ports/*package* ; if not found: ls */usr/ports/*/*package*
c. cd to that directory and simply type: make install clean
d. That's it. it will be installed!!
Offers lot more/better security.
Excellent resource management. Uses far lesser resources **memory**, even in desktop environment [**compared to linux distros running desktop env like Gnome].
Excellent documentation available online.
I hope this helps.