first installation of linux which one should i opt

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free as a bird
hi guys this is the first time i have decided to install linux on my computer.i am not able to decide which distro should i install .i am comfortable with computers but still i want to install a distro which is easy . i have most of the distro provided by digit . sorry if there is any thread on this topic already.


Commander in Chief

The Difference

There are many different operating systems based on Linux:
Debian, SuSE, Gentoo, RedHat, and Mandriva are examples.
Ubuntu is yet another contender in what
is already a highly competitive world. So what makes
Ubuntu different?

Based on Debian, one of the most widely acclaimed,
technologically advanced, and well-supported
distributions, Ubuntu
aims to create a distribution that provides
an up-to-date and coherent Linux system for desktop and
server computing. Ubuntu includes a number of carefully
selected packages from the Debian distribution and
retains its powerful package management system which
allows easy installation and clean removal of programs. Unlike most
distributions that ship with a large amount of software
that may or may not be of use, Ubuntu's list of packages
is reduced to a number of important applications of high

By focusing on quality, Ubuntu produces a robust and
feature-rich computing environment that is suitable for
use in both home and commercial environments. The
project takes the time required to focus on finer
details and is able to release a version featuring the
latest and greatest of today's software once every 6


guyz which distro for me ?? i hv 196 MB Ram.......installing ubuntu via live CD is impossible......upgrade in jan plzz dont say upgrade !!


Evil Genius
If you are a newbie to Linux, you are going to have a TON of problems on your very first go. Therefore, you will need a helluva lot of community support and documentation to help you get through your teething troubles. So, for that reason ONLY, I feel a newbie should choose Ubuntu.

Otherwise, if anything goes wrong with it, Ubuntu is a bloody pain in the ass to configure. An excellent alternative is Linux Mint (* MUCH more user friendly, has a lot more functionality out of the box, and is fully compatible with all Ubuntu software.

Meri baat maan yaar, Ubuntu is gaand mein dum...I tried it like 3-4 times before I got the hang of it. WAY too much stuff to download and configure after every install...NONE of that needed with Linux Mint.

@aks_win: For your configuration, I would suggest PuppyLinux or even Damn Small Linux...the Live CD should boot fine with 192 MB as the total size of these two distros is less than 100 MB!!

If you are an advanced user, install Debian Lenny with a minimal netinstal...then add programs as you go along for a minimal, lean system. Also, check out ZenWalk...excellent distro, light on memory requirements...


^^^ ok thanks....i will try in VTU i need music and internet and C prog and Unix and shell prog.......and also chat !!

if i can do all this i will stick to DSL...i will also try Linspire !!

i just need linux for my learning purposes for VTU that is !! i think u must too be in VTU....we hv this unix shell prog right in 3rd Sem


"The Gentleman"
@aks_win, now different people will tell u to install different distro.... then at d end u would get confused which one to install. :D

by chane if u get confused only then look at this thread.... other wise dont look at it.


if ur talking about ur college Distro,,, then in labs they'll use Fedora core for programmin. But same programming can be done on other distro also if u have g++, c , c++ compiler and u'll need lex and yacc also in ur college... lex and yacc is not available in other distros... so u'll have to download and install them. But by default it comes along with Fedora core.


Wire muncher!
but FC7 or even FC6 will be a killer for this hardware. ubuntu and fc are good distros. u can't haf fc so the next best option is ubuntu. but even thats heavy. so xubuntu is the best distro for him :) he won't haf any problem, i'm sure. atleast basic things like c compiler come installed.... so no hunting required :)


ok am now really getting confused !! looks like i will now try the following

1. xubuntu
2. dsl
3. linspire.........they say it works on my comp
4. fedcore last !!


"The Gentleman"
aks_win said:
ok am now really getting confused !! looks like i will now try the following

1. xubuntu
2. dsl
3. linspire.........they say it works on my comp
4. fedcore last !!
dont try anything and waste ur time... just install xubuntu... thats all. Listen to me... It will run much faster, like others suggested. xubuntu is perfect for u.


Wire muncher!

i second vish's suggestion. chuck everything and jus install xubuntu. light and fast.. and gets everything done :)

for the thread starter: linux mint is the answer :)


left this forum longback
Linspire,xandros-dont try these-both are like trial version time bomb :x get real distros like other ppl here answered.
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