few GK about graphics.......

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Broken In
noone else???????/

Ook,,,no one else to share any more GK here?? :oops: :oops: :x :x :x Share ur opinion about ur graphics cards and games…………………………………..


Cyborg Agent
Re: noone else???????/

mira000111 said:
Ook,,,no one else to share any more GK here?? :oops: :oops: :x :x :x Share ur opinion about ur graphics cards and games…………………………………..

Duh! What was that ??


Broken In
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: asking my 1st question about Games :::

i am looking 4 buy Final Fantasy well the latest version is 10 i think......

my q is---------->> r all the vertions different? or it is that FF10 is somekind of upgradation of FF7 .or every FF is totally diiferent adventure??


Broken In
about core fq

ATI RADEON 9600XT 10550/-
500/340 AGP 2/4/8 128BIT BGA 128MB DDR CRT+TV+DVI

GEFORCE FX 5700 LE 256 MB DDR TV& DVI 7650/-

well here is a specification of a ATi and Nvedia graphics card....
here 500/340 AGP is 'core frequency' but what is this thing?

Core frequency higher will be better I think?? is it true?

I see Geforce have not stated any core frequency then whats is its core frequency?????????

what will be the difference if core frequency is 200/100 rather than 500/340????? will the game run slow? :lol:


Cyborg Agent
Mira 500 is the core frequency and 340 is the memory frequency, but since it is DDR it is effectively doubled so it becomes 340+340 = 680.

Core frequency the higher is better, the geforce 5700LE has 225 Mhz core and 400 Mhz(200).

The gaming performance of the card with 200/100 wont be as good as 500/340, however the core and memory ratings arent the only factors that affect the cards performance, memory width/bus, no. rendering pipelines, type of memory, etc also count a lot.


mira ... i think it would be better to start new posts for ur new questions :)
or even better post all ur doubts at once if u can .. it just makes it easier thats all
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