Coming to the wonderful Plymouth booting, if you see just a basic bar at the bottom, it means your video card is not supported yet. It is officially supported on ATi cards currently and will be made on Intel and then nVidia cards soon. However, non-ATi card owners can experience it using a nifty hack thereby which it will use the VESA mode to display the artwork. This may/may-not work depending on the card. I have a nVidia card and it works perfectly.
Add vga=0x318 to the end of the kernel line in your /boot/grub/grub.conf
title Fedora (
root (hd0,9)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro root=UUID=b1b61899-dac7-45b0-ac3f-bb23eb1055d0 rhgb quiet vga=0x318
initrd /boot/initrd-
To get additional plugins, do (Solar is the default one)
sudo yum install plymouth-plugin-fade-in plymouth-plugin-pulser plymouth-plugin-spinfinity
To change the plugins, do
sudo plymouth-set-default-plugin <pluginname> i.,e[fade-in/pulser/spinfinity]
sudo /usr/libexec/plymouth/plymouth-update-initrd <- this is to rebuild initrd so it gets updated.
For more details on Plymouth, visit *
For videos, see youtube *