Fake Windows XP activation trojan goes 2.0

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Source: *blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=2201

Known as Kardphisher and “in the wild” since April, 2007, last week the malware author of this trojan horse mimicking the Windows XP activation interface while collecting the credit card details the end user has submitted, has made significant changes to visual interface and usability of the trojan, consequently improving its authenticity. Guess what happens when a gullible end user falls victim into this social engineering attack?

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Warning: No flames please
Xp activation. What a same? When it is about to get cutoff? Any way thanks for the info. Always remember: there is a nasty surprise inside that pirated stuff.


That Pic said:
Microsoft is committed to your privacy. For more information, visit *microsoft.com/piracy

WHO would fall for THAT ? :lol:


Slideshow Bob

Really, who would believe THIS??? *i66.photobucket.com/albums/h276/DianneOnly/blink.gif


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Genuine Window and Genuine Linux user here ;) .. No activation problem for me, cause I know how to take backup of my activation and then restore it later ;).


*gigasmilies.googlepages.com/24.gif *gigasmilies.googlepages.com/24.gif *gigasmilies.googlepages.com/24.gif *gigasmilies.googlepages.com/24.gif
Nowadays comp techs in comp shopgs cheat their customer by giving them pirated xp instead of genuine vista. So there is a lot of possibilities of people to fall for that. Offtopic:-hey nucleas core you should open up a new thread naming Tech news by NucleasCore where you can post all your latest news there.


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
^^no need for new thread ejaktly

Well, nvr had any probs wid my *** XP although WINDOWS UPDATE WAS ALWAYS ON

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