Facebook security error !!

Suhail Malik

Broken In
Hey there guys i am using facebook for over 3 years but however since last week, im getting an error or something like that in Chrome as :


and if i press "Load Anyway" button, the https is removed as:


Is this thing alright?


Cyborg Agent
because recently facebook has enabled the HTTPS (SSL) protocol and by default it is disabled u may have enabled it u can configure it from account settings>accountsecurity


Resistance is Futile.
Couple of things:

- If a page is delivered via https, Chrome now doesn't load any files which are not being served via https & shows a warning
- Facebook is serving some files over a plain http connection when you're logged in via https

Hence Chrome is asking if you want to enable the insecure content (by insecure: it means the files being delivered over http instead of https - it need not mean that the contents are actually insecure).

It _should_ be fine, if you're not certain, just check via view-source which are the insure contents


Staff member
because recently facebook has enabled the HTTPS (SSL) protocol and by default it is disabled u may have enabled it u can configure it from account settings>accountsecurity

On what basis did you said that? I had activated https mode through account settings more than a month ago, but getting this error just from today. :-?


Cyborg Agent
^^You're browsing with an invalid SSL certificate. That means the data you send and receive is being encrypted, but Chrome can't be sure the other party is who they say they are beasuse the security certificate isn't installed in ur computer

When you first come across a site / certificate with this problem Chrome will ask you if you want to continue. You have chosen to continue and ignored the warning then that error will occur


Cyborg Agent
its not only on Fb it will occur on any https site whose security certificate is not verified or installed in ur pc read this u will know why the error occurs
error1 by mithun_mrg, on Flickr


Resistance is Futile.
^^You're browsing with an invalid SSL certificate.

No - if he were to browse with an invalid certi, he'd run into the error posted by you.

This is because as I mentioned:

Some contents being delivered over an insecure line on an mostly secure page.


The Power of x480
Staff member
It happens with me on Chromium too. But I choose Don't Load.
Doesn't look any different when I let load anyway...


The Power of x480
Staff member
^^ Yeah, and that's why it doesn't matter what we select. So to be safe, I think, best would be to, select "Don't Load"!


The Power of x480
Staff member
^^ So you think, Chrome / Chromium is less safe then Mozilla! :|
Anyway, to stop our pursuit with the off-topic posts, I won't argue.


Resistance is Futile.

(PS: Firefox doesn't block insecure content by default, that's why you don't get that message).
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