F1 2011 Discussion


In the zone
Thanks a ton, i will share this with my f1 buds :)
my bro has ordered today only but from flipkart though
Flipkart.com: Formula 1 2011: Game: PC


Human Spambot
Good news guys, nextworld site has updated the status to New Release. :))

Now lets see how long it'll take to get the delivery.

Btw, the price is still at 850, so those who want to buy it, buy it soon, or price will go back to original - 999.

updated: (7:30pm)
now Intencity also have updated, they have the game "In Stock"

anyone up for CO-OP championship? :D
So have you got it yet?


The courier nobs have decided to send the game back, idiots didn't even make a call to my number, frikkin idiots.
Have to call those blithering idiots tomorrow, stupid asses, now i've to spend for petrol to get the game from their office,i.e. If they still have game with them.
Overall it'll cost more than retail price :/
sent next world cc a mail too.
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