Electric shock on touching the cabinet


Sony " VA" "IO"
It is not working with any cord,whatsoever.

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Ha!! Haa!! HAAAA!!! Haaa!!! Haaaa!!!
OH! Man ,all the men of @TDF, the most FUNNIEST,CRAZIEST,phenomenon I'd encountered ever in my life with computers.

The Cabinet of CoolerMaster Elite 311,which was not starting the PC and producing electric shocks,suddenly was swarmed by red ants all over today. I found today morning.

I took a day's leave from my office, un-assembled all the components and kept under sun for nearly an hour. Sometimes the sun was bright,and sometimes the sun rays were obfuscated by the monsoon clouds(Now it's a DRY MONSOON for KOLKATA and adjoining areas!!!).So hopefully no chance of water lashing or wetting any of the components.
After that I took back the components(Mobo : Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3; WDD Caviar Blue 1TB HDD and Seagate 250GB HDD; Cooler Master Thunder 500W smps; Corsair Value RAM 4x2=8GB total) along with the Elite 311 cabinet.

It was pretty Hot, and I was a bit sceptical that whether any sensitive electronic components or parts were fried or damaged.

I assembled the whole unit again after keeping in my room say for about 2 hrs. very carefully again.

Just a few mins. ago I kept my fingers crossed and powered on the PC-Desktop.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT STARTED ,I MEAN THE COOLER MASTER ELITE 311 WITH THE PC IS RUNNING FINE WITHOUT ANY HICCUPS OR ISSUES OR PROBLEM , NO ELECTRIC SHORTS/SHOCKS/ISSUES. PC RUNNING FULLY O.K.:drinks_NF::winking_NF::stars_NF::rofl::rofl::rofl::doublethumb::mrgreen::thinking_NF::thinking_NF::thinking_NF::grin_NF:

I Thank all my friends particularly, [MENTION=138043]kARTechnology[/MENTION], @icebags, [MENTION=126812]whitestar_999[/MENTION] not to forget [MENTION=120531]madhu[/MENTION] from Chennai.

All these comments are written through this ( ANT + SUN - gifted) PC-Desktop.:smug_NF:

usually Ants like HDD, its likes to sneak peek though our data
(Happened to me several times, I put my HDD in a box with napthaline balls for 2-3 days for the ants to die.)
They like the rubber seal on the HDD a lot.

but a Cabinet? why?


Indian Railways - The Vibrant and Moving INDIA
usually Ants like HDD, its likes to sneak peek though our data
(Happened to me several times, I put my HDD in a box with napthaline balls for 2-3 days for the ants to die.)
They like the rubber seal on the HDD a lot.

but a Cabinet? why?
Don't know!!!
But,friend now the temp. of AMD FX-6300 CPU has risen to 78 degrees . PC has started auto shutdown. THIS IS HAPPENING AT 07:20 p.m. evening.
Is that for the heat trapped by sun rays or thermal grease drying up?
The CPU is just 2 months old.
Shall I put/apply some new thermal grease between the stock cooler and the CPU?
What do you suggest???


Sony " VA" "IO"
Don't know!!!
But,friend now the temp. of AMD FX-6300 CPU has risen to 78 degrees . PC has started auto shutdown. THIS IS HAPPENING AT 07:20 p.m. evening.
Is that for the heat trapped by sun rays or thermal grease drying up?
The CPU is just 2 months old.
Shall I put/apply some new thermal grease between the stock cooler and the CPU?
What do you suggest???
no CPU cannot trap sun rays.

apply new thermal paste if you removed the CPU cooler for drying in the sun.
check that CPU cooler is fixed firmly.
changing thermal paste is good if you tortured a lot with the cpu cooler when troubleshooting pc starting trouble

(I usually hold the mobo with the cpu fan as it has the firm contact with the mobo, once tried with the north bridge/south bridge chip heatsink and ouch!, it came off :crying_NF:)


Indian Railways - The Vibrant and Moving INDIA
Actually according to logic what I recall,the cabinet fans must had been connected the wrong way. Which might have resulted in unbooting and short of the cabinet.
As,because all the components,including the cabinet wires for connecting to the front panel connectors of the motherboard were easily marked with the polarities of (-ve) and (+ve) along with the socket connection type,it was also clearly marked(though very minute letters) on the surface pcb of Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3 motherboard, so no problems there.
Friend @whitestar_999, anything to elaborate about it?


Sony " VA" "IO"
Actually according to logic what I recall,the cabinet fans must had been connected the wrong way. Which might have resulted in unbooting and short of the cabinet.
As,because all the components,including the cabinet wires for connecting to the front panel connectors of the motherboard were easily marked with the polarities of (-ve) and (+ve) along with the socket connection type,it was also clearly marked(though very minute letters) on the surface pcb of Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3 motherboard, so no problems there.
Friend @whitestar_999, anything to elaborate about it?

didn't we tell to connect only mobo , cpu, cpu fan and psu?


Indian Railways - The Vibrant and Moving INDIA
didn't we tell to connect only mobo , cpu, cpu fan and psu?
Of course I did that as accordingly the steps/procedures you all mentioned.It was for verifying which component was nonfunctional or not working.Isn't it?
In that case also the machine was not booting up,even HDD connectors were pulled off.No extra components were attached or connected,except the psu+mobo+cpu+CPU-stock- cooler fan + cabinet.
I didn't go for the cardboard testing,as I was sure that my mobo+PSU was functional.


Super Moderator
Staff member
[MENTION=123453]kg11sgbg[/MENTION],all's well that ends well.:) Thank the red ants that came to your rescue & leave some sweet thing somewhere :D & don't dwell on it too much.For CPU temps do as [MENTION=138043]kARTechnology[/MENTION] suggested & as far as i know a normal cabinet fan will not run at all with reversed polarity.Next time you face any issue with cabinet,simply leave it in moderate sunlight for a few hours.

P.S.not to be taken seriously :) .It might be that some dead very small insect might stuck somewhere in the cabinet or there was some sweet liquid residue which attracted ants.Theoretically they may act as electricity conductors which might be the reason of shorting.Ants may have eaten this cause which was inside of cabinet or sunlight+wind might have removed it from the cabinet during that time.


Indian Railways - The Vibrant and Moving INDIA
But,friend [MENTION=126812]whitestar_999[/MENTION], the cabinet was brand new out of the box.


Indian Railways - The Vibrant and Moving INDIA
A bit of off topic but still relevant and significantly linked with this thread.

Again, I had to take out the Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3 mobo to our Kolkata Gigabyte service hub for repairs.

This was due to the fact that the PC was auto shutdoning itself as temp. of CPU rose nearly 88 degrees Celsius as shown by Speccy or also inside the BIOS.
The CPU Fan stopped rotating whatsoever.
I have two more spare CPU fans,and replacing each I tested but to no avail.
A LOT OF THERMAL PASTE/GREASE WAS WASTED. Particularly the Cooler Master V1.

Actually,a fine sensitive line(thread) of copper connector for the CPU Fan in the PCB of motherboard was broken due to tightening of screws of the motherboard onto the Cooler Master Elite 311.

Thankfully and very cordially the Gigabyte guys repaired the mobo and showed me the exact region of the damage.
They advised me to screw that portion very carefully by putting a small piece of paper acting as a washer or alike.
I didn't touch that portion for screwing,and it was kept empty(I mean the screw slot).


Now all is well and the PC-Desktop is functioning perfectly...:cool_NF::D

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The image of Speccy as of now :--->



Sony " VA" "IO"
A bit of off topic but still relevant and significantly linked with this thread.

Again, I had to take out the Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3 mobo to our Kolkata Gigabyte service hub for repairs.

This was due to the fact that the PC was auto shutdoning itself as temp. of CPU rose nearly 88 degrees Celsius as shown by Speccy or also inside the BIOS.
The CPU Fan stopped rotating whatsoever.
I have two more spare CPU fans,and replacing each I tested but to no avail.
A LOT OF THERMAL PASTE/GREASE WAS WASTED. Particularly the Cooler Master V1.

Actually,a fine sensitive line(thread) of copper connector for the CPU Fan in the PCB of motherboard was broken due to tightening of screws of the motherboard onto the Cooler Master Elite 311.

Thankfully and very cordially the Gigabyte guys repaired the mobo and showed me the exact region of the damage.
They advised me to screw that portion very carefully by putting a small piece of paper acting as a washer or alike.
I didn't touch that portion for screwing,and it was kept empty(I mean the screw slot).


Now all is well and the PC-Desktop is functioning perfectly...:cool_NF::D

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The image of Speccy as of now :--->


but how come it doesn't overheat and shutdown in the iball cabby? you told it never started up o in elite 311 then it must not even heat up since it never started in it.


Indian Railways - The Vibrant and Moving INDIA
but how come it doesn't overheat and shutdown in the iball cabby? you told it never started up o in elite 311 then it must not even heat up since it never started in it.
It was overheating and shutting down inside the Elite 311.

I think you didn't get my point of comments at #40 earlier. Please go through it once again with detailed reading.
Problem is not with cabinet or AMD CPU,but with the motherboard,as I referred above.
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