Easter Egg Archive

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hi friends..

this section goes to Easter Egg of various Software.. any Easter Egg you know post it here...

Here are some...

Team Members - Windows 98 Plus

1.Go to the edit playlist dialog for any song.
2.Type "Microsoft Plus!98 Product Team" in for the artist

3.Type "Credits" in for the title

4.Hold down the control key and click cancel

You will then see a new root level item in the tree view of the album database called "Microsoft Plus!98 Product Team". Expand it to see the team names.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Open a Word document and type
" = rand (200,99)" (w/out quotations of course)

Strange Characters

Open a new Word document
Type the letters NYC in all caps

Highlight the letters and change the font to Wingdings

Pretty strange considering the WTC bombings


Commander in Chief
Good ones,

In Winamp , extend ur window and u will see a beat analyser,
now play a high bass song and then hold ctrl+shift+alt and click exactly at the center of the beat analyser ( a line in the center) (only for modern skin)
U will see a new thing !
and they will dance to ur beats !


here one

1. Open the Display Control Panel (select Start, Settings, Control Panel, and click the Display icon).

2. Click the Screen Saver tab.

3. Select the 3D Text screensaver.

4. Click the Settings button.

5. In the text box, replace OpenGL (or whatever is there) with the word volcano. Whenever you run the screensaver, you will see the names of volcanoes whizzing about.


Wise Old Owl
expertno.1 said:
here one

1. Open the Display Control Panel (select Start, Settings, Control Panel, and click the Display icon).

2. Click the Screen Saver tab.

3. Select the 3D Text screensaver.

4. Click the Settings button.

5. In the text box, replace OpenGL (or whatever is there) with the word volcano. Whenever you run the screensaver, you will see the names of volcanoes whizzing about.

Does not work on XP SP2


Does not work on XP SP2
it only works under win 98
another one
1: Go to moon.google.com
2: Set the zoom to maximum, and there you go. The answer to the question: Is the moon made out of cheese.
1. Open up adobe photoshop 9.0
2. Hold down the 'ctrl' key
3. Click Help
4. Select 'About Photoshop...'
Once you done you'll see a monkey in space at the left of the information.



Object Dock Free or Plus

1. Open the About dialog in either the free or plus version of ObjectDock
2. Check out the dial that is part of the logo. Seems like a plain 'ol graphical about box, but notice that the multi-colored dial-looking thing in the logo seems to glow every few seconds. Looks like they're trying to hint at something hidden doesn't it? ;)
3. Locate the dial and click around on it... a puzzle clue will present itself in the middle status bar area after a few seconds.
4. I won't ruin the puzzles, but solve that first one and you'll see hidden 'special thanks' screen (first egg)
5. After you get there, in a few seconds another clue will be shown.
6. Solve that one and you'll see some pictures of the developer Jeff Bargmann and his buddies (second egg)
7. After a few seconds another clue will show itself in the little middle status-bar.
8. Figure it out, and if you keep going one by one you can see lines of hidden messages and funny instant message quotes - there are lots of them! (third egg)
9. Haha there's some crazy funny stuff in those hidden pictures and messages... happy hunting!
side-note, i've heard rumor that there's more hidden codes that you can enter into the combo thing to have it do other stuff that theres no puzzle to hint towards? anyone?



Wise Old Owl
Egg Title : Credits and edited scenes in age of empires and Rise of Rome
How to crack it:
when the game starts, u get the Age Of Empires Screen, hold Down Ctrl+C, you get to see cool Edited scenes from the game
Special Instructions:
it also works with Rise of rome

Egg Name: Firefox Easter Egg
How it Works:.
In the address bar, type the exact URL: **www.anydomain.com and you will be redirected to microsoft.com
Special Notes:
Rather interesting.....is Mozilla poking fun at Microsoft (perhaps for their IIS SSL implementation?)

1. Download and install FireFox from www.mozilla.com
2. Open & Enter "about:mozilla" in the URL-bar (Without Quotation Marks)
And so at last the beast fell and the unbelievers rejoiced. But all was not lost, for from the ash rose a great bird. The bird gazed down upon the unbelievers and cast fire and thunder upon them. For the beast had been reborn with its strength renewed, and the followers of Mammon cowered in horror.
From The Book of Mozilla, 7:15
This is actually a reply to the IE5 (Internet Explorer 5 from Microsoft) team's joke about Mozilla crashing computers.
The IE5 joke is also submitted as a Easter Egg and can be found here:
Special Requirements:
FireFox 1.00

1. Open any application you want to in Windows XP.
2. Click on the "Help" of the applications menu
3. Click on "Contents and Index"
4. After the help opens up, click on the question mark icon located in the top left hand corner of the help screen's title bar.
5. A new menu will open.
6. At the bottom of the new menu (second from the bottom) is another item not usually there. It is "Jump to URL..."
7. Click on "Jump to URL..."
8. A dialog box opens which you can then enter a url into or a location on you drive or network.
9. Make sure you type "*" (no qoutations) before your address (example: *www.google.com)
10. After you type in an address, the OK button enables. Click the OK button or hit the ENTER key, and voila, you are surfing the web from inside the Help Screen.
Special Requirements:
Windows Help Screen (any program)
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