E-Gold Account

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In the zone
Hey does anyone how how e-gold pays and if it is secure? I created one today and would like to know if I need to pay anything to them for my account.Thanks!


i read somewhere that having an e-gold aaccount in INdia is illegal by RBI..

i recommend u not use e-gold and instead try out moneybookers .. they r great


sukhdeepsinghkohli said:
No No, Egold account is illegal just that it is used by scammers on HYIP related forums/sites :D
no i read somewhere that RBI does not allow trade in foreign gold without prior consent ..

related articles- *www.blonnet.com/iw/2002/10/27/stories/2002102700991000.htm


oops did not check the date of that article.. i am still not sure..

but persoanlly i stay away from e-gold because of 2 reasons:
1. i fear RBI
2. i could never understand there currency system.. it denominates everything in gold and silver and all crap rather than $$ ... very confusing

Sukhdeep Singh

Yeah, Egold is not sucessfull

1. Too confusing. In order to add money, you have to go to third party site and withdraw as well i think.
2. No Chargeback Protection like Paypal.
3. Looks sucks :D


Broken In
www.moneybookers.com is the most cost effective site I have ever used. recently I got $3300 transfered to my account in India and they charged me $3.40 for that.

No-one in the whole world charges less than $25 for a wire transfer except them.
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