DVD writer?

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Mine is a "Moser Baer LiteOn". Isnt yours the same? I'm told that this is an imported LiteOn branded by Moser Baer. Moser dosent make optical drives.

How fast is your drive? I can burn a DVD to near full capacity in about 7 +/- one minute. UDMA mode is 4.

HDDs are another matter... and SATA 2 should definitely make a difference. I was talking about optical drives. The problem is of availablity. I was looking for a Litey for a very long time. Very difficult to find here in Poona. Finally I could only find one Moser Baer LiteOn. That too, the dealer had only ONE single piece... and it was IDE. Thats what I wanted anyway, as my motherboard does not have SATA. What I wanted to say is that if the choice is between the brand you want + PATA Vs. brand you dont want + SATA, then its well worth going with the former.
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