Another question.
How can I know beforehand when entering a new region via war council table that the enemies will be hard to kill. For example I was level 6 when I chose that region in which only 1 follower is allowed (the one in which there are undead)
you don't have to know. Take it as it is. If you die a lot, you will grow stronger by every fight you win.
Any way for dragon keep saves on ships yet ??
Ahh then its fine. I thought I was doing something wrong. 1 more thing, I just found a frost rune in a cave. Can I remove it from the weapon I imbune it (not done yet so asking) ?
This fereldan frostback is pawning me. I need to now focus on main story and get better gears. Will deal with this one when am level 12+... I don't know how you guys killed it
^You know what I did, I didn't recruit Sera, IDK why but she pissed me off. Now I'm learning how useful she could've been. Oh well, in the next playthrough then.
It seems I need Vivienne with me. I need some good tier 2 armor schematics. And tier 2 materials. Next time it will be me as mage, Vivienne, Cassandra and Iron bull. I need armor12+ is too late, Frost back's loot will be irrelevant by then and you will have no fun to kill an under-level dragon, you will get better loot ( except the dragon bone, scale and tooth obviously ) in story line from a sack or box lying around somewhere. Same happened to me when i spent so many annoying hours to lure that abyssal high dragon, which sounded epic, then it came with level 14i was at 16...i literally went to a corner, almost sat down and watched three other members beat the s#it out of him without losing half health.
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thats....sad. It sounded like "you know what i did, i bought a Ferrari, but I got rid of the tell lamps" ..u know someday.. I will break a whole new tier3 magister staff upon the fking bald skull of Vivenne, for the insanely infuriating way she talks and nags...!!! but when I go to a fight that takes me on the knees...I have her on the party with the best gear i have.
It seems I need Vivienne with me. I need some good tier 2 armor schematics. And tier 2 materials. Next time it will be me as mage, Vivienne, Cassandra and Iron bull. I need armor
Tell me what class are you and what do you have. I will plan you a strategy.
Help me as well.
Me a qunari dual handed warrior. And the rest are the default followers. We all lvl 5-6
LEVEL--5-6??! 5-6?!! Frostback? Go home Inquisitor, you drank too much Ale in the Tavern.
You mean I have to be 9-10 to challenge Frost back?
Arent there any dragons I can fight at this point of time? What about that one who was fighting a giant in Coast?
Damn....the toughest electric dragon of this game. Vinsomer