Does Burj Khalifa Tilt?

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Firecracker to the moon
Burj Khalifa the worlds tallest buliding.
My friend was saying that burj khalifa keeps tilting.
Is it true?
I dont belive him


Steam High Templar
answer is simple type "Burj Khalifa" in wikipedia search bar and you will get all the facts on that Arab-hotel-on-artificial-island


Grand Master
Bhurj khalifa is not a head heavy building....its wider at bottom at narrow at top just like a triangle....I dont think it can tilt



Firecracker to the moon
I told my friend a buliding cant tilt.It would be dangerous etc etc.He Said,He saw in his own eyes,Police were surrounding the buliding


Firecracker to the moon
^^ Maybe,But no one would take a risk right?,But they had made a huge foundation,And shapped in like a desert flower,And theres no heavy winds in dubai.

I have seen the building many times, and have also been to the viewpoint at the top. I have never seen or heard about any tilt in the building.


Slideshow Bob
"It does not tilt, the highest floors simply vibrate/resonate because of the wind. Supposedly that's why access is barred to the uppermost floors."
- A friend whose family has been there, told me that.


if burj khalifa has a bad foundation there is a very high possibility it might tilt
proof, buddy
- A friend whose family has been there, told me that.
pics, or it didnt happen, prolly, they listenend to some quack or a tout who was doing it for fun and fame
Every tall structure sways.
thats why they hang counterweights from it, so that it doenst tilt too much and make like a famous tower in italy.


Broken In
thats why they hang counterweights from it, so that it doenst tilt too much and make like a famous tower in italy.

Tilt Vs Sway. Get that right. :-D

Counterweights, or any weights for that matter, worsen tilt. They can even get the structure to break.

Tilt is majorly caused by weak soil or weak foundation, exactly as in the tower of Pisa. Foundations can be weakened even after having been built very solidly, due to extreme circumstances in nature.

Sway is caused by wind, earth's rotation, and due to tectonic movements. Balancing weights that swing in the opposite direction of sway are applied in these cases.

Now, tilt is quite possible in Burj Khalifa due to the geography itself, but so early after construction? Possibly not. Does it sway? Yes, right from the idea itself.

Pratik Pawar

Gaming for challenge
^^Ur crazy:crazy: friend surely must be joking,fooling around... sort of a triangular pyramid-like burj khalifa should not tilt,..
though it uppermost flores may sway, vibrate, resonate a bit in strong winds...:-D:thumbs:


Chosen of the Omnissiah
My "maama", mother's brother worked as a lead engineer for one of the contactors working on this building. Answer is NO. Your friend is wrong.

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