Do I need an Antivirus S/W?

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Console Junkie

I know that it is not very much important to have an antivirus software on linux, but I have been wondering about it.

I have been using SuSE 10.2 since January, and suddenly a few days ago, it went very very slow. Even the booting time had increased... And I checked gnome system monitor but there were no suspicious entries...

Then, due to some unavoidable reasons, I had to switch back to Windows XP, but then after a few days, those reasons were gone and I reinstalled SuSE and now it's running fine and fast.

My question is, can that slow period be the result of a virus? If no then what else can it be? And if it might have been a virus then which A/V should I go for?



Commander in Chief
It mostly isn't a virus, might have been some error with some process that led to it, or some hardware-related issue perhaps.

There's absolutely no need of an Anti-Virus on Linux, it isn't like Windows. Instead you could have tried describing your issue here and we'd have gladly been able to help and figure out where the problem lied. :)


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NO VIRUS anyway.the slow down may happen in suse due to the bulk of software got installed.there are many reasons for eg some programs may be searching for needed scripts for eg:mail setups like sendmail etc
though there may be chances for worms etc but it is very rare:
some other reasons are memory problems.for eg:swap not enabled,full RAM not detected etc.what is ur system RAM?post the o/p of:
~$free -m
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Console Junkie
I said I know that it does not need A/V, but still even digit team has reviewed A/V for linux (with a note in the end that we don't need it... still to be sure...)

RAM is 512MB. Well here is the output.....

 total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           496        490          5          0         11        260
-/+ buffers/cache:        218        277
Swap:         2306         32       2273

I had firefox, amarok, utorrent (under wine), opensuse updater applet running when I checked.

One more interesting thing... when I checked with Gnome system monitor, it shows that only 230-280 MB ram is in use and the rest is free.

And, I was going to ask here, but as I said, some warranty problems, forced me to reinstall windows for about a week....
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AV's are not needed in Linux even UNIX too.there are few worms there.
Linux servers uses AV's which are there for Windows viruses to be detected.
and the thing that Linux users will soon need av's is a FUD from disappointed AV manufacturers esp kasperisky.
Note to new Linux users: No antivirus needed

U may install a better optimized kernel for ur architecture for eg c2d needs a smp supported kernel.try it.
            total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        496       490          5          0         11        260
-/+ buffers/cache:   218        277
Swap:         2306         32       2273
I think the slow down is may be due to some processes waiting for completion if the slow down is while booting.
while in the system,the slow down may be due to heap of packages that get installed by default filling dir like /usr/bin in suse.
anyway it is difficult to judge which package(s) slows down ur system.u can attach ur /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog .also u can go through different log files in the /var/log directory to have an idea what is slowing up.
aditya.shevade said:
One more interesting thing... when I checked with Gnome system monitor, it shows that only 230-280 MB ram is in use and the rest is free.
No ur memory is optimally used.may be that u supposes "free" may be used by ur graphics card.


Console Junkie
I don't have a c2d. It's Pentium M.

There is no file like syslog in the directory.

And the system is running fine now. And I was checking and found that beagle's search indexing program is eating up around 50%-70% of CPU, maybe that is what is slowing it down.

Also, The openSuSE updater applet does not start at the startup. I tried it from the application and also tried by entering it in the startup program list, but it just does not start... Maybe that is what is increasing boot up time.....
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as @ambandla suggested try the o/p of "top" frequently when this seems these are regular cron jobs that runs.otherwise I think everything is OK :)


It's always good to have a antivirus for linux too. I have installed Avira AntiVir and am happy with it. It hardly consumes any resources. I suggest you also to have one.


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^^ that is a distant dream most win$ users and AV companies dream I know.and the logic also is verrry impressive that volume users of Linux increases then viruses will be there for Linux too is that what u supposed to say? :lol:
the logic seems verry bad. :-|
the platforms are different dude.
the logic is like some one got a fatal disease say AIDS(Windows?) and he wants to prove that other person healthy too get the disease and drowned(linux/Unix?). :lol:
Another reason is AV mafia out there wants to prove that Linux and UNIX are not virus immune.they are fearing a loss of market if Linux and other UNIXens gains popularity.esp pointing to kasperesky av company/
I dont want to say that Linux gives security Nirvana.even using UNIX/Linux u need to be sure dont login as root user.set up firewalls(atleast lokkit script) etc.
Most Windows users are in the habit of browsing net for those colorful softwares install it as next,next and things they got a goood system.just leave that habit and read the informative guide @
*!= *
Problem #3: Culture shock

Subproblem #3a: There is a culture

Windows users are more or less in a customer-supplier relationship: They pay for software, for warranties, for support, and so on. They expect software to have a certain level of usability. They are therefore used to having rights with their software: They have paid for technical support and have every right to demand that they receive it. They are also used to dealing with entities rather than people: Their contracts are with a company, not with a person.
Linux users are in more of a community. They don't have to buy the software, they don't have to pay for technical support. They download software for free & use Instant Messaging and web-based forums to get help. They deal with people, not corporations.
A Windows user will not endear himself by bringing his habitual attitudes over to Linux, to put it mildly.
Another guide for patriotic windows and bill gates is:


Forget expensive and restrictive anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-anything and anti-everything. Linux is very, very secure.
It is often difficult for Windows users to believe that there are no spyware and almost no viruses under Linux — but it's true. Malicious programs have a hard time doing anything at all in a well-built system.
Regular, easy software updates will keep regular users entirely safe.

Whether you are going to enjoy Linux depends mostly on what you expect from it.
  • If you wish Linux to be just exactly like Windows, you will probably be disappointed. GNU/Linux is built by people who simply wish it to be different. In the free software community, members have different visions of what makes an ideal operating system. These differences lead to variety, which is what makes Linux so special and interesting.
  • Your freedom matters. Thousands in communities and companies work to build software on which you may exert this freedom. Using GNU/Linux is the easiest way to do so fully.
  • It's fun! Not having to worry about spyware, viruses, program registrations, demos that expire, or finding software that is really free as in freedom, makes using a computer suddenly very enjoyable.
We hope you'll switch soon. There's a large community waiting, and no one in it asking you to "sign up, purchase and register".
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Oh dear.....I pity on you. Get out of your extreme fanboyism.
There are many users including me who download stuff from internet, exchange files from removable sources, email attachment etc to and fro Windows and Linux. It makes sense to have antivirus in linux too to prevent infection in the other Windows machine.
Assume the scenario...

Case 1: Non-Antivirus Linux
I receive a infected attachment from email on linux platform
Since I don't have antivirus on linux, I will never come to know of the infection.
I right away share the attachment and forward it to my friends.
They have antivirus on their Windows and as soon as they open it, "Virus Found"!!
You are blammed! Happy?

Case 2: With Antivirus Linux
I receive a infected attachment from email on linux platform
Since I have antivirus on linux, it will warn me and clean it.
Then I share the attachment and forward it to my friends.
No infection warning! Happy?
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left this forum longback
I posted about the Superiority of Open Source Platform and Linux only.I dont want to have a fight here, :-|


praka123 said:
I posted about the Superiority of Open Source Platform and Linux only.I dont want to have a fight here, :-|

Who asked you to say about superiority? I was telling aditya that it's better to use antivirus. It was you, who brought in Windows for no reason.
And where did you explore the fight to erupt from here especially when I am also a Linux user and have never criticized it!:?:


Console Junkie
^^ Ok, the output of top also gives the same result. It's beagled-helper that is consuming around 95% CPU (right now when I am writing).

@ Praka123 or Kiran_tech_mania or anyone else.... A little more info about the firewall to use? Or the one bundled with SuSE is good enough? How should I configure it?


Wise Old Owl
Simply say no to antivirus if you are using any distribution of linux. Just switch on firewall for all protocols and you are safe. :)


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@aditya.shevade:are u using beagle for searching?else uninstall it :p
another thing is to kill the process from terminal if u want.or permanantly remove the beagled-helper from cron runs.
there are few apps too that runs like this!for eg:if u have slocate installed,there is "updatedb" been running as cron job.research the
/etc/cron* directories/files.may be [SIZE=-1]/etc/cron.daily/beagle-crawl-system[/SIZE]
I use the basic firewall called "lokkit" u can search yast2 for that.if u want gui,then firestarter is there,for kde,Guarddog is there.

I posted in reply because i felt it is misleading and new linux users tend to believe the comment posted. - have AV's for Linux home user :shock:
as of now linux servers and mail-servers uses AV's with db's of win32 viruses for the sake of win$ows users of the system.I must have to post the reply whatever the consequences are :x
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El mooooo
Kiran_tech_mania said:
I was telling aditya that it's better to use antivirus.
No it is not better to use Antivirus on Linux rather it is just a stupid and CPU cycle wasting thing to do. Why should any Linux user waste his/her resources for Windows users who need protection? If Windows users are affected then they should be the one running Antivirus...not us.
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