display the size of folder

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Right off the assembly line
it is seen that when we single click on a file(that is not a folder)the size is displayed on the left hand side bar..but when similar thing is done with a folder it does not happen..is there any way to do it??:-|


Democracy is a myth
The behavior is called "Tool Tips".
By default it should be enabled in ur OS.
If u r using XP, I can guide u to enable it.

Go to Tools-->Folder Options-->View tab.
Here u will find a "checkbox" having value "Display file size information in folder tips".
Tick it and press OK button.
Now u would get Size and Folder content info when hovering mouse over any folder.


thinking di9it'al
The behavior is called "Tool Tips".
By default it should be enabled in ur OS.
If u r using XP, I can guide u to enable it.

Go to Tools-->Folder Options-->View tab.
Here u will find a "checkbox" having value "Display file size information in folder tips".
Tick it and press OK button.
Now u would get Size and Folder content info when hovering mouse over any folder.

Still you cant see the size of a folder in the left side bar..:lol:
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