[DISCUSSION]Ideal Phone Size ???


Ambassador of Buzz
People you may be aware that OEMs are having cut throat competition about bigger phones.
The latest norm seems to be 5 inch monsters.
Does anyone else think 5 inches is too big to be a phone?? What should be the ideal screen size ??

Should OEMs focus more on optimising the software and improving design rather than keep making bigger phones ??


Sith Lord
Staff member
5 inch monsters? seen too many people holding netbook sized devices against their ears, can only guess they must be tablets
acc to me perfect size is candybar sized devices. 3.8 x 1.75 x 0.5 in or less is about the largest size I'd like to carry around... hoping for iphone nano

think it was the low screen resolution on the early droids that seeded the demand for larger screens, forcing apple's hand in increasing size... smaller screens need more pixel density for better readability, you can just zoom in on even a small screen

and they look so sleek


Wise Old Owl
4-4.2 inches ... 4.5 max... the display quality should be good, devices with call facility over 5 inches should be classified as cablets.

5-7 inches : micro cablet

7-10 inches : mini cablet

10-12 inches : cablet


Sith Lord
Staff member
widescreen aspect ratio is a win... not for video or gaming, but for scrolling in play lists, web pages and social networks


Human Spambot
Well the whole dimension matters, and currently a phone with 5 inches screen is perfect for me.
But I'm sure the future is of bezel less devices, so in that case 5.5" is perfect for me. But not anything bigger than that.


The sheer size of the Note 2 never fails to surprise me. It is just too huge in my opinion. If I ever had it, it would snap into two smaller phones in my pocket.

Personal preference of 4-4.2" Anything more is just an inconvenience you have to live with after the initial novelty wears out.

The iPhone 5, HTC 8S (beautiful fun looking phone I saw just today), my own Xperia arc and similar sized phones always appeal to me, although I find smaller phones ~3.5" or 4" w/ thin beezels to be more pocketeable.

My friends keep recommending me the Note 2 since I'm tall and this phone supposedly suits my large hands better :D I have trouble with 4.2incher, I don't know how people manage these larger screens with such small (normal) hands

But at the end of the day, phone size is a personal preference and I respect their choices. Also it is really good if someone else has a large phone, since they take the trouble of carrying it and you can just borrow it and experience the "big experience" and give it back. :D


Sith Lord
Staff member
screen size affects weight, a lighter device means less fatigue, especially over long periods of time. also, easier to operate with one hand


In the Zone
It all depends on what kind of stuff you do with the device.
Galaxy note kinda phones are only great if you wear a suit or jacket all the time so that you have a big pocket to keep it. Keeping a phone larger than 4.5 inch inside a pants pockets will make you look awkward :D
4.3 to 4.5 is good enough for most people.


Sith Lord
Staff member
another point, those who choose larger devices, have chosen to bear larger app costs and larger IAP costs in every app... hd and xhd versions of apps cost moar

this can add up significantly as against apps on a regular sized device

agent dash on nexus 7 has an irritating countdown every time you get out, unless you shell out some gems! this countdown and promt to pay gems is absent on regular sized droids. that's that much user experience and engagement taken away, almost punishing you for spending, just because you got a larger screen
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