Data travellor problem


I have 4 Gb usb data travellor. I cannot open o format it,shows msa "it is write protected" plz help me
try this:

start>Run=type(“CMD" without ” “) enter.

follow these
1. go to C:\ by typing C:\>cd c:\
2. type C:\>attrib -S -H -R autorun.inf
3. delete the file by typing C:\>del autorun.inf
4. goto drive D: by typing C:\>d:
5. repeat step 1,2 and 3
6. do the same in all your drives (say you have C,D,E,F).
7. Close the DOS command window
8. Open task manager and “end task” the explorer.exe in the processes tab
9. From Application Tab in taskManager, select “new Task” button, type “explorer.exe”


Cyborg Agent
is it a new USB drive? Did you check if you can format or create partition on it from Control Panel --> Admin Tools --> Computer Mgmt --> Disk Mgmt console.
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