darksiders II vs Batman Arkham City


In the zone
I tried real hard, but I could understand the first sentence of that, honestly I couldn't, learn some english.
And I haven't got offended at all, like I said I was merely responding to you, and you keep getting annoyed calling me a noob, no problem go ahead and keep saying that

please tell me which word you didint understand ..i will explain word by word..dude u r insane..u called me all the day a liar so when i called you a noob why you asked me to stop..

go back and read my comment on DC comics' preference towards complex stories, lot of things are implied throughout, like the Bruce's parents death scene through scarecrow's hallucinations. That scene implies a lot about Bruce Wayne's personality and why its so important for him. If you have difficulty in understand complex stories, then clearly Batman isn't for you, and you can go ahead and keep pointing every single thing as a loop hole.

dude why dont you accept it ..i also told you the same things ..everything is not mentioned in the game...stop this nonsense...
and lol its not a complex story..Batman is meant for kids...

Three movies? really? good to know that /S
I said two because by the time Arkham Asylum released, there was no Rises..just Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, both of which are popular enough to say that people know Batman's origin better.

again nonsense ..you need movie to know about game..
...we are talking now not 2009..do you understand meaning of noob now....and i will call you..

Well good for you, I thought the third movie was perfect for what it was supposed to be, a finale to the Bruce Wayne's story...again like I said, complex stories aren't for you.

Its perfect because you dont know anything about batman..even after your so called perfect game you know nothing..all you care is dishum,dishum and music..as i told there are a 100 mistakes atleast...ok batman super hero movie which is based on cartoon for kids is complex...

Go ahead and play the game on PC, and tell me its not unpolished and a mess, I ll take back what I said.
I already played and completed..check my early posts clearly mentioned...not that a bad game...ok...
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NO I WONT NOT so difficult for you to understand

What in the gods name is NO I WONT NOT?! :|

lol its not a complex story..Batman is meant for kids...

Your personal opinion, I ll respect that. But out of all the comic book stories out there, Batman/DC stories are mature and complex, not just as layered stories, but on the emotional level too.

again nonsense ..you need movie to know about game..

Need isn't the word. I'm saying this again, its a COMIC BOOK based GAME, its in their nature to be dependant on other mediums, just like any other COMIC BOOK STORIES out there. You think in such a linear way that its practically impossible to make you understand such stuff.

Its perfect because you dont know anything about batman..even after your so called perfect game you know nothing..all you care is dishum,dishum and music..

For a person who has confined himself so much into whatever he knows, its not possible for him to enjoy new stories.
Let me tell you something, go back and read the very first Batman comic book out there, its not dark, its not gritty, and hez not cool at all, does that make the rest of the Batman stories wrong? no right? Its Art, there are number of ways you can make stuff. Lot of people did not like Batman Begins, said that its not true Batman at all, nothing wrong with that, just their preference.

not that a bad game...ok...

Did I say its a bad game? you should really go back and check my posts again, I apologized to you for calling you a liar, I appreciated DS for what it is, and criticized the negative parts of the game, yet you come back and whine about that :|
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In the zone
Your personal opinion, I ll respect that. But out of all the comic book stories out there, Batman/DC stories are mature and complex, not just as layered stories, but on the emotional level too.
NO its meant for kids...all super hero comics are..not my personal opinion its what comic stand for...

Did I say its a bad game? you should really go back and check my posts again, I apologized to you for calling you a liar, I appreciated DS for what it is, and criticized the negative parts of the game, yet you come back and whine about that

YES I checked you have given thumps down for both games and mentioned its bad many places..you never played DS2 how can you appreciate it...

i suggest you to go *www.quora.com/The-Dark-Knight-Rises-2012-movie ..there are serious mistakes in the movie...you woudnt be abig fan if you see them...


NO its meant for kids...all super hero comics are..not my personal opinion its what comic stand for...

Nope..its your personal opinion. Comic Book based stuff has changed, thanks to Bryan Singer and Nolan, people have started taking them seriously.

YES I checked you have given thumps down

Compared to the two Batman games, yes, I still thumbs them down. Oh and here, I ll quote some of my positive opinions about Dark Siders..
it was fun for some time, a good combination of Devil May Cry and God of War with some cool RPG elements
yeah, and a lot of people liked it for the weapon mods.

See, I'm not biased.

i suggest you to go The Dark Knight Rises (2012 movie) - Quora ..there are serious mistakes in the movie...you woudnt be abig fan if you see them...

I thought you aren't the kind of guy who prefers no distractions through websites. Why visit them? go visit the movie theater again and watch the movie the way it was meant to be watched.

And If you are talking about the so-called internet stupidity..Loop Holes of the movie, mention them here.


Broken In
modern warfare tools and puzzles dark areas all over its batman
old age games, good graphics jumps then go for darksiders


Steam High Templar
mods please close this thread
or our two Flame-Warriors will burn this thread

I tried DS1 some time ago, it was fun for some time, a good combination of Devil May Cry and God of War with some cool RPG elements, but everything else felt under developed...lack of polish was a big issue, got about 15fps often and then I gave up. Was the game patched later?
DS had some probs with particular configs i think. as for me it used to give same shitty 15 fps with intgrated gfx and 40 fps once i switched to my graphic card
i bought it as a gow-on-pc replacement but fell in love with its art style,story and gameplay mechanics(copied from many games but implemented nicely)
btw only patch 1.1 was released


Democracy is a myth
As I already posted earlier, DS1 was good HnSm Batman 1 was amazing, Batman 2 was Meh! and now gonna try DS2.

Though they do not fall in same genre but we are comparing anyhow so, let it be.
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