That is not the moonlight greatsword ... If u talk to the merchant guy in Iron keep, he will say its a replica not the original one..
The actual moonlight greatsword u can get in NG+.. MGS has a special projectile attack for Right trigger
Anyway guys what armor weapons were u using ?
Me - Alone knight armor +10
Vengarl helm - +1
Alone knight trousers +7
Wanderer's Manchette +10
I was using the Vengarl set fully but i figured since i wont be able to upgrade it to +5 due to lack of twinkiling titanite, i would be better off with a basic titanite armor and upgrade it fully
Weapons - Claymore +10 lightning infused with sunlight blade = OP
Black Knight greatsword +5 Fire infused
Black Knight greataxe <-- I keep this to kill crystal lizards because of the 2 handed downward swing
I dont like ultragreatswords, they are too slow for me, claymore has the best moveset of all the weapons, a VERY VERY good weapon, Black knight greatsword is good too, it has fire damage without any infusion but it has high dex requirement and takes more stamina but has longer reach..
BTW, Faun, try poison arrows from the guy in Doors of Pharos.. They are freaking OP, I killed Old Iron king with 15 poison arrows
Sadly today's the last day I will be able to play this

I have to buy this soon, i hate being at the mercy of a friend :/
EDIT : Faun, I just noticed something, why does your textures look so much sharper, im running at full settings at 60 fps yet my textures look way too blurry ..