cyclic redundancy check error in cd

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I have a video cd contaning videos i took from my camcorder of which i have no other copy. The cd is showing a crc error when i am trying to copy to my hdd. The cd is gone a little scratched but the videos play when i open in media player. But it wont copy.Please Advise me on the matter.Also is there any software which could copy the video file inspite the error.


Cyborg Agent
Isobuster: *
Bad Copy Pro: *
Best of the lot.



t3h g04t
ISObuster is the best.

When you write CD's don't use above 32x, vibration at higher speeds causes these inda errors


In the zone
What abt CRC errors found in ZIP files?
me couldnot workout the file with ISO-BUSTER!
any other GOOD option for ZIP CRC Errors?


Cyborg Agent
crc errors in zip files are not similar to cyclic redundancy check errors in CD's. crc errors are caused due to corrupt zip files or corrupt downloads. Try using winrar and fix the zip file if possible. Else you will need to download the zip file again.


In the zone
If u can recover it using Bad copy pro then use ImToo mpeg enoder to convert to divx by the time most part of the video will too play smooth , give it a try.

did u mention a zip file ? iam not familiar with these errors and wht causes it normally...but have a try to correct it compressing


In the zone
use zip repair... a free software to repair zip files..... and yes isobuster is the best in its category....
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