DOTA2 vs CS GO2 ? I like this kinda debates.. Comparisons between two identities which are far apart from each other

Comparing similar stuffs is boring, comparing stuffs like Chocolate Ice cream vs Battery operated toothbrush OR Superstar shoes vs Coalition govt. etc etc

It really brings out our creativity
Anyways, these to are similar in the sense that they are both
1) Competitive multi-player game
2) Rewards skills and patience
3) Flexes human cognitive senses
4) Causes serious addiction name a few.
So lets compare via certain aspects
Win goes to CS GO.. Even a 5 yr old can pick up and start pawning. All u have to do is wait for people to come inf ront of ur crosshair while camping . In DOTA 2 , a newbie will spend half an hour simply looking up items and recipes

and it will take him days if not weeks to master all items
In CS GO, there is no trash talk due to its pace. Well, dead players trash talk but its not a game breaker. DOTA 2 people have often quit due to the rage and violent feedback from enemies and allies.
DOTA 2 is , from start till end, all about team play and coordination. There is no ONE MANE SHOW. In CS GO its ok to have a noob in your team,at least he is dealing some damage,soaking damage or causing distraction before dying. In DOTA 2 a noob teammate can win the game for the enemies >_< Hence DOTA 2 is way superior in its emphasise in teamplay..
I have played CS since i was a kid, and i know that i can never match those player i see on youtube. 5 man headshot with desert eagle,thats my wet dream

You need a good peripheral setup and ur reflex should outmatch a F22 Fighter pilot !!
In DOTA 1, one needs to be well versed with shortcut keys and inventory keys (with Warkeys or similar app), DOTA 2 simplified it all by bringing a common layout for all heroes and conveniently placed inventory shortcut keys. Map awareness precedes physical dexterity here.
You dont know mind-fcuk in gaming unless you have played DOTA 2. Its a friggin test of mental capability to assimilate data and variables and multitasking one's sense and perception. There are more game turns in DOTA 2 than all of India's cricket matches combined

It all about keeping it cool and maintaining your temparament. If apocalypse broke loose on planet earth and there was a dire need for army generals, i would recommend DOTA players

In DOTA, a daily noob and daily pro is separated by their mental strength, their ability to keep calm, maintain concentration and morale at the darkest of times 8)
Other factors in my view--
In CS GO, once u die, u have to sit idle for the round. This, i dont like (personally). Moreover the specific roles are monotonous. Like a sniper is always following the support, camping at vital spots...very linear role,his butt gaurded. In DOTA 2 we too have carries and supports, but their roles are still diverse,changing from time and according to situation and they have awesome impact on the whole game. Look at MANIA from MYM. That mofo is one hell of a Earthshaker player. I simply fell in love with his gameplay. From 1st minute till late game 60 mins he plays like he owns the map!! His timing, his blocks, his "6th sense" and perceptive play...WOW!!! DOTA 2 is very "situational", and requires human adaptive skills.
CS GO is great for casual play. Its fun as a friendly game where every kill is accompanied by taunts. Even if you are losing badly, u can still kill that guy u hate so much >_<. In Dota, such 1 on 1 mind games dont apply as much since its so TEAM BASED.
You can enjoy CS GO more if u take it lightly, DOTA is not a game for light casual gameplay. Its a game that makes a MAN out of a BOY...
CS doesnt have epic legends like DOTA has.
Yaphets,everyone knows,no need for introduction,
Zhou, most successful captain and my number one choice for Army general in World War 3
Dendi, Most imba mid-solo player...if hes in midlane against u , better quit hahaha..
Art Style, the lucky charm
ZSMJ(retired) EPIC FARMER, the guy who farmed over 700 creeps in one tourney game(bought divine rapier, died, bought back instantly and bought a fresh divine rapier and ended the game).. he once farmed SACRED RELIC in 7 mins... can anyone do that? CS players wont be able to spell it even in 7 mins ... He should come to India to improve our agriculture sector for productive farming

oofff so many epic legendary people in DOTA cant mention all.
KIng James.... Ferrari 430.... so many...i am doing injustice to such legendary players by describing them so briefly..
If you all wanna know how epic DOTA can be check this out- MYM vs Navi (Farm4Fame Winners) - YouTube You will pee ur pants out of excitement and epicness
Sorry for my bias towards DOTA1/2 is the reason i stopped playing lame-game CS 1.6 and CS CZ