what type of cooling would an oc'ed i7 2600k need moreover its unlocked too...what sort power consumptions does it have at around 4 ghz ?? cpu coolers are never available here at siliguri u know..so may be i'll have to order them from Kol.. and also my i5 is an 1156 and i7 2600k is 1155 i guess so what kind of cooler do u specify for each... my budget remains same for each as he has no more money left after buying CM 690 and i'll have to compensate for that

Well 2600k needs good cooling, my suggestions are:
Under 3k: Get the Cooler master hyper 212+ @ 2k, add another fan @ 600/-
This can push 2600k to 4.4 easily.
Over 3K: If you are using vengeance ram, then Noctua U12P SE2(4k), or corsair H60@ 4.5k(water cooling, may leak)
If you are using low profile kingston or corsair value select ram then buy the Noctua D14(a bit over 5k), the best cooler at this price.