Converting phone memory from FAT to FAT32


Are you sure it was fat32 earlier? The reason the music player is not opening might be the deletion of it's files from the phone memory. Which is your phone? Find out if there is a software suite for your phone and see if you can re install the music player back.


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Are you sure it was fat32 earlier? The reason the music player is not opening might be the deletion of it's files from the phone memory. Which is your phone? Find out if there is a software suite for your phone and see if you can re install the music player back.

I am damn sure that it is FAT32!!
I also checked checked the music player file they are as it is!!Ii just want the my phone shows the phone memory in it, that can only be done when I change it to FAT32!!
so I want just any trick to change it in FAT32!!
nothing else!
Thanks :)
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