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All the console gamers can play their games at high quality with all the possible effects,although at lower resolutions on a TV but that is not too visible,and they get a better gaming experience than the pc gamers.still,some say that a pc is better.yes you can enjoy those games on the pc too,but on an older system,you cannot turn on all the graphical effects,and hence loose out on the gaming experience.In the consoles you have all the possible quality without having to worry about system requirements.Have you seen grand turismo 4,its stupendous,even on the so called old PS2 hardware,better than most pc gamers could manage on their boxes.No arguments here,if you are a serious gamer,you are playing on a console.Another example is that of Doom 3.If your system is old,you must have turned off shadows but when it releases on the xbox it will be in all its graphical glory,so the gamers can really enjoy it.