connect two different network subnets together??


orthopaedic surgeon
hello friends,
I am an orthopaedic surgeon by profession...
my problem is that i want to connect my digital xray machine to my local network.
presently the config is
XRAY Machine is on subnet
Local network (connected to WAN) is on subnet

i want to connect both the networks together so that i can access the xrays remotely on my laptop...

presently i have laid down a LAN cable from my xray machine to the desktop.. but i want to access it via WIFI of my local network..
Please help me guys...


Try to find setting in Xray machine to change default ip from XRAY Machine is on subnet to IP range


^ yup, change x-ray machine ip to the local network ip. and connect it to local network switch with the lan cable.


orthopaedic surgeon
hello guys
the XRAY machine has basically 3 components -1) scanner/processor 2) printer 3) PC... all this are on the subnet...these three machines are connected i think with a switch (dlink 4 port)
secondly the home LAN is connected with a ADSL router of beetel...

@icebags and @Rajesh345 the xray machine IP addresses cannot be changed i asked the technician for the same but he refused saying that XRAY will not work...i know its a lame excuse but still do not want to break the xray machine due to any reason...


Super Moderator
Staff member
switch does not provide ip addresses so it must be further connected to some modem/router unless all XRAY machine components have ip address set manually.also these 2 networks must connect/meet somewhere so mention that place/point(you did mention desktop but still it is not clear).a better way would be to post a simple diagram showing all this.


orthopaedic surgeon
sorry for the missed info...
all the xray machine components have manual static IP address...
the router of home network is set as DHCP server...
these two networks meet on the desktop located in the consultation room...desktop is connected to home network via WIFI and xray network connected via LAN cable (wired).


Super Moderator
Staff member
try bridging lan & wifi network in your both in network adapter setting page & then right-click & select bridge connections.


orthopaedic surgeon
@whitestar if i bridge the connection then i will have to keep the desktop on 24x7 which i do not want...
is there any other way??
i have one spare Dlink router with me with 4 LAN ports and 1 WAN port... will it help in any way


Super Moderator
Staff member
why not simply connect lan port of dlink router(even though you mentioned it is switch but i am not convinced so correct me if i am wrong) of xray setup to lan port of beetel modem?
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