Clue about Malaysian airlines


Wise Old Owl
Hey do not take it the wrong way, but I thought it was funny to call it black box when it is supposedly orange in colour.

And the game reference was not considered this being a thread devoted to the disappearance of the airliner.

On second thoughts, the name blackbox was probably coined to denote that the contents of it could only be decoded by highly trained technicians of the respective manufacturers and hence were practically dark for anyone else.


Truth Seeker
What an irony..


The Linux Guy
Its orange in colour so that it can be easily found between the burnt black crash remains.



Super Moderator
Staff member
people think that just because humans have telescopes in space capable of seeing galaxies billions of light years away they can surely find a missing plane lying on ocean bed somewhere,they couldn't be more wrong.matter of fact is that when it comes to finding things real test of scientific progress is how much deeper a species can see clearly within their own world.on that front humans are still just beginning & it will at least take a century before humans can claim to successfully reach/photograph deepest regions of earth like ocean beds & mantle.


The Linux Guy
What I don't get is, that all this satellite imagery, and no one can go back in logs and actually track the plane?


Super Moderator
Staff member i said earlier people overestimate current human technology too much.just because NSA can read billions of emails & access millions of phone conversations doesn't mean a computer system on board any random satellite in space can realize a possible danger situation based on a few pings & can focus its cameras on a flying object across hundreds of square km area of nothing but water & alert the next satellite when that plane flew out of its range.if it were possible then the plane would have been found but it is not the case & hence the failure till now.


Lost in speed

Alien abduction, seriously?


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Guys, get a load of this : Missing Malaysia Airlines plane was ‘shot down in military training exercise’, book claims


Indian Railways - The Vibrant and Moving INDIA
Why on the Earth should the Americans shoot down a Civilian plane???
That too during a war exercise!!!

What is the motive to kill innocent passengers?


Staff member
The guy is not only smart but cunning as well. He knows this, book writing, will make him super rich in the shortest possible time and by the time truth comes out he would have made his booty. Ah that's how the world is today.
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