Re: Some people enjoy being the butt of jokes!
gx_saurav said:
Sure, why not
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P.S. - Better not devitate the thread from iPhone & copying. this is not fight club
I am talking about a press release. If you did not understand it the first time, I meant an official statement by Apple. A press release is an official statement by a company stating a future course of action.
Can you please provide me a link that states Apple saying that they will charge money for a particular software?
What you have linked to are rumour reports, which do not justify what you said in your previous post.
As I said, stop spreading rumors and lies. As for deviating from the thread, the identity of the person acting as flame bait is self evident from previous posts in this thread.
tarey_g said:
^^ Why should everything be apple approved if its my iphone (we are not used to the idea) . How iphone gonna get homebrew games/programs (mostly free, and even better than the paid ones) which are very popular, not every programmer on the corner is EA to get his games approved (or applications) for the iphone. And if this is the case why would anyone give a damn.
Well, Symbian 3rd edition also requires applications to be 'signed' before they can be installed on the phone.
What developers do is that they send their program to Nokia, Nokia checks it for compatibility, and then issues a certificate to a developer, so that his program can be installed on multiple devices.
However, if you have an unsigned application, you can get it signed from But, the catch is that it will install only on the phone whose IMEI number was provided while getting the application signed.
I think verification of applications is a very good idea. It provides security from viri that affect mobile devices. For example, Symbian 7.1 and 8.1 phones had lots of problems with viri. However, with application certificate security, OS 9.1 phones face no problems with viri.
It's too early to say if Apple will follow a similar model. We don't even know whether Apple will in fact allow any third party applications.
A judgement can be given only after more details emerge about the particular device in question.
In the mean time, I am more than happy with my Nokia E50 that came with Symbian 9.1, a 1.3 MP camera, EDGE, Bluetooth, 240x320 resolution, 235 mhz processor and 20 MB Ram.

The fact that it is the slimmest Nokia Symbian device helps, too.