Check & Post Your GPU ASIC Quality!


Superhuman Spambot
Re: Check & Post Your GPU ASIC Quality!

Ok, so I played for an hour and here are the results:

NFS:R at max possible settings+1080 and 32bit version with gamepad and laptop on the table.
MSI afterburner OSD:
1058C/1249M constant.
GPU Load was mostly 99%
Avg FPS was more like 28-30 for most of the part and those dense woods saw more like 23ish with GPU load at 99%.
Temp. settled at 74c and was sometimes hopping to 73c when GPU load went south of 99 which happened mostly on highways and other low complexity scenes.
NVIDIA drivers are the latest BETA.

It's amazing the temps are so low. Are you using a notebook cooler? I bet NFS Rivals reaches 30 FPS extremely rarely and stays at mostly 28. Try increasing the clocks to 1.2Ghz, I bet you can max the game out then.


Ambassador of Buzz
asic quality.PNG

zotac gtx 770


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