can we open an existing note in knotes through command line

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Beware of the innocent
I use knotes to hold my notes and i have a note with the title scratch in which i keep my temporary minute to minute todo list. I would like to use it somewhat like keynote under windows, ie, if i press ctrl+shift+f12, i want the note to popup. I am not able to understand how to activate the note through the command line.
Knotes --help-all is no help at all.

Anyone got any ideas or atleast suggestions on some other software to use?

I use Suse 10.2 with KDE and no, i cannot install any new software as i do not have ftp access through our proxy.

Any advice would be appreciated.


El mooooo
I am sorry but I could not understand much from your post. If I am getting it correctly then you need a shortcut to show your notes? Have you tried pressing Alt+Shift+S to show all notes and then Alt+Shift+H to hide all of them?

All KDE software come with a very nifty feature which is known as shortcuts and global shortcuts. You can access them from the Settings menu but in case of knotes, you can access them by right clicking on its taskbar icon. Once you start using Global Shortcuts under KDE, your work flow will be really smooth :)

P.S. If I have not been able to understand your requirement then please make it a little more detailed.


Debian Rocks!
is it something like Tomboy for gnome?

there is "man" cmd available for more documentation for most softwares;like "man knotes" in a terminal.


Beware of the innocent
@freebird no manual entry for knotes
by the way @eddie, alt+shift+s seems to be working. Thanks for the help. But i would like to make a shortcut to open only one of those notes by the title "scratch". I have over 200 notes so i really don't need the others cluttering up my screen. I have been able to figure out so far that we can use keyboard actions to configure a dcop call. But the dcop function knotes.knotesIface.showNote needs an integer argument, the id of the note. How do we get that id value?


El mooooo
I could not find any detailed documentation regarding that dcop call either. May be you can visit #kde and ask some devs there?


Beware of the innocent
thanks. I seem to have passed by that need. I am just getting to know linux and right now am trying to learn the tar command to do an automated backup. What all directories do we need to backup anyway? <wondering>


18 Till I Die............
/home(user files), /etc(configuration files) and also where the downloaded rpm's are kept. I have no idea where suse keeps it.
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