Can Softwares Can Increase Internet Speed

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For surfing, use Mozilla Firefox, why? because it is faster.
For downloading, use Leechget, why? because it is faster.
Remember to install the Adblock extension for Mozilla Firefox and download the latest block list. I'll post mine here if you really want it.
Yeah, softwares can make internet faster. For example, adblock blocks all the banner ads on a website preventing you from downloading the swfs and gifs which you would not require. This does the work.


Hey common!!

saurav_cheeta said:
if a modem supports 115 kbps.... how can u expect a software will make that hardware to go over that?? this softwares just actlslike a firewall & blokcs some scrap program to access internet, tweaks ur system a bit and provides that save bandwidth to IE or DAP or what ever u run....

Hey yeah, it takes a lot of time to understand. If your modem supports 115 kbps and even if you are not able to increase the connection speed with the help of programs like 'TZ Connection Booster', still you can increase your surfing and downloading speeds with 3rd party softwares. Compare Mozilla Firefox and IE for example and see whats the major difference, yeah the speed.
If you add an addon called Adblock to Mozilla FF, you will increase your surfing speed by avoiding a banner ads.
Try OnSpeed which downloads the data you want to their sites, compreses it, then it fetches it to your computer and with the same 115 you can see pages faster, download faster and do a lot more. :p
There you see the difference and thats how you can expect a software to give you better performance.


In the zone
OnSpedd + NaviScope + Opera 7.23

i thnk this is the best.....
onspeed increases ur browsing speed man grt..

i m browsing at minimum 7 to 9 KB/s in opera 7.23.... & upto 21 KB/s...
FF is bogus..i tried it man

naviscope i m not sure but "Onspeed" is jst grt..

thx man who has found this first on this post.....

so try opera 7.23 .its better than 7.54...


In the zone
I use TweakMASTER and you won't believe that this software really increases your intenet speed all you can do is to trust this software just once. I am sure you will definitely become one of its fans like me. ;)


Indyan said:
Glad to be able to help.
But now get ready for the sad part.That would work only for 7 days unless u pay (and note..their is no other wau out).

goobimama for you

There is a way to use onspeed unlimited without paying, google finds it all. It is illegal however and not recommended.[/b]



This is the best internet accelerator. This program works not because it optimizes your internet

settings (like TZ internet Booster does), nor it boosts your modem (like modem booster claims to

do). It works by the following process:

>>Registers you after installation.

>>Whenever you connect to the internet, it connects to a server via your registered username and


>>When you type in an address in the address bar of IE, it sends the request to the server which

downloads the same page.

>>The server downloads the data and compresses it and then sends it to your computer. The images

and macromedia flash files are also compressed, hence decreasing their quality and increasing the

speed. However if you have configured to download original pictures instead of compressed ones,

it does so letting you have the original pictures but only data is compressed. Until you are

browsing a photo gallery, you may choose to compress the pictures to the fullest. You can control

picture quality and hence speed by right clicking the icon on the task bar and choosing settings.

Move the slider to required position to adjust. Remember that picture quality is inversely

proportional to speed.

>>Then, the onspeed client ruuning on your computer downloads the data at normal speed at which

any other download managers and browsers would do. The speed of internet connection seems to be

faster due to compression.

>>It then decompresses the compressed data and then sends it to your browser, giving you a

broadband experience.

>>It has a major drawback though, it only supports Intrnet Explorer and does not support other

browsers. And it does not accelerate your downloads. However, you can give much bandwidth to your

download manager and surf at full speed, even if windows update is running and download manager

is downloading files, using this program.

>>After seven day trial is over, you must buy the program, however you can always search for

alternative way which is illegal and highly discouraged.


In the zone
If you have a modem to modem connection, that would be the fastest connection since the modems have built in compression. But these days most of your INTERNET use would be like surfing in which case modem compression would be useless since the data is not compressed until it reaches your ISP, But it would still be faster than say an ISDN line. My modem connection is much faster than my 64K cable connection for browsing and such. Also the latency for a modem is much less making it also responsive much more.

But there are new web servers which does compress this data before it sends it out. If You connect to such a server, your browsing will be much faster.

Those programs that downloads the data for you and then compresses it and sends it you would be the next best thing. It would work with more sites as well. But also your fastest speed would depend on how good a connection you have with onspeed and such. Using an ad-blocker definitely has a big effect on speed. Those gif's take up more space than the entire web page.

Things like DNS caching also saves a little time.

Turning off all graphics/Sound would make your browsing as fast as being on BroadBand :)


Indyan said:
And secondly if u had given a valid email address u shud hav got a mail saying that ur trial account has been created.
Use it for 7 days.Then tell me if onspeed if working after that.
hey i'm using OnSpeed for 10 days. If you don't trust me than thats not my problem. Even if you do, i can't help you with cracks or any illegal ways here. Help yourself out. And if you think something is not gonna be cracked, think again. If it runs, it can be cracked.[/b]


And thanks for the suggestion. I'll never post twice in a row again.


Ambassador of Buzz
sunnydiv said:
try artera trail, u will be blown off

i downloaded 5 mb text page in 3 seconds
WHAT!!! :p ...Are u using cadle or sumtin like dat....y(sigh!)y dont such miracles happen to me??


In the zone
Funnydiv suits him rather than sunny div.
amanwannalearn said:
sunnydiv said:
try artera trail, u will be blown off

i downloaded 5 mb text page in 3 seconds
WHAT!!! :p ...Are u using cadle or sumtin like dat....y(sigh!)y dont such miracles happen to me??


Just Do It
dont trust them , its only a gimmick.... I've used hell lots of them & never did i get any speed variation
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