Can Read But cannot Write

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Resident Fanatic
I hav installed Windows XP on NTFS and Suse 10.2.
Whenever i try to paste something in NTFS partitions(IN LINUX) it says u dont hav permissions to do that.
Then i clicked on drive's properties and checked all of these.
But that didnt solved the problem.
How can i do this??


18 Till I Die............
What are you using for writing on NTFS? You need some util like ntfs-3g or linux-ntfs(don't remember the exact name). And you need to mount the partition using that driver.


Resident Fanatic
TYF} Dont get it wrong. I was just telling that oveer here they r mounted when i start the system and i can access them. Is there any other meaning of Mount?? [/quote said:
By the way searched in the DVD nd got these software....
1. ntfsprogs Preinstalled on system.
The Linux-NTFS project (* aims to bring full support for the NTFS filesystem to the Linux operating system. The ntfsprogs package currently consists of a static library and utilities such as mkntfs, ntfscat, ntfsls, ntfsresize, and ntfsundelete (for a full list of included utilities see man 8 ntfsprogs after installation).

2. ntfsprogs-fuse - NTFS mount utility


This package contains the needed user space application to mount NTFS partitions via fuse.

Are these the same u were talking abt???

And the fstab details are--
Last edited:


Replace "ro,users,gid=users,umask=00" with "exec,user,noauto 0 0" in fstab!
Then just goto terminal and do "mount /windows/C". Or u can use the "disk mounter" applet for mounting drives in gnome's panel.

Gnome panel > right click > add to panel > disk mounter! Select ur drive and go.


18 Till I Die............
mediator said:
Replace "ro,users,gid=users,umask=00" with "exec,user,noauto 0 0" in fstab!
Then just goto terminal and do "mount /windows/C". Or u can use the "disk mounter" applet for mounting drives in gnome's panel.

Gnome panel > right click > add to panel > disk mounter! Select ur drive and go.
Are the drivers in the kernel able to write to NTFS partition now?


^^I dunno! But if he can read the partitions with ntfs options like in his screenshot of fstab, then I guess he can write to the partitions too!

manshia said:
ro with EXEC
users with user
gid=users with noauto 0 0
unmask = 00
Yes! And "," with ","!


18 Till I Die............
mediator said:
^^I dunno! But if he can read the partitions with ntfs options like in his screenshot of fstab, then I guess he can write to the partitions too!
ntfs read support has been around for long enough but write support just came in the kernel or 2.6.18, and it wasn't usable. This has been discussed in another thread.


Resident Fanatic
@ Mediator

This is the file now--
Plz tell if there is any mistake.



BSD init pwns System V
Manshahia said:
I hav installed Windows XP on NTFS and Suse 10.2.
Whenever i try to paste something in NTFS partitions(IN LINUX) it says u dont hav permissions to do that.
Then i clicked on drive's properties and checked all of these.
But that didnt solved the problem.
How can i do this??
You'll have to download and install NTFS kernel from the kernel site (search for that) and then you can write on NTFS drives.


Manshahia said:
@ Mediator

This is the file now--
Plz tell if there is any mistake.

Remove the "umask=00,nls=utf8"!

@TYF : Didn't know that. Anyways all the modern distros they say have ntfs support!

@manshia : If things still don't go the way they r suposed to, then update the kernel first.


Debian Rocks!
do you want write access in ntfs partitions...

ntfs-3g is the present available solution for write access from linux to ntfs partitions...suse linux repos may have it.get it installed and edit your /etc/fstab as:
~# gedit /etc/fstab
/dev/sdx       /media/sda1    ntfs-3g  silent,umask=0,locale=en_US.UTF-8  0  0
HOWTOInstall newest ntfs-3g driver and fuse in opensuse 10.1


Resident Fanatic

Now when i typed
mount /windows/C

It told either it is BUSY or it is Already mounted.


Restart ur system, then try! Or simply command "umount /windows/C" as root first and then try mounting as normal user!


Resident Fanatic
After restart mounted the Drive.
When i tried to access it, it said Cudnt enter folder Windows/C.
Sud i update the kernel??

How to do that?? :D
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