Calling all Insomniacs..


Tribal Boy
Junior was crying. Went downstairs. Everything ok !

Hes fresh now, seems hes gonna lead this thread soon :D

Real insomniac. Sleeping all day and up now !!


lol funny thread..
I am always awake till 2-3 AM but had not yet replied in this thread..

Agent adi007 ,Indian Secret Service reporting
Beware i am watching all the members in digit and what they are don't download anything illegal :D


 Macboy
Don't you know the rules of this thread?

1. No posting in this thread after you have woken up.
2. No posting before 12:00 a.m.

And some additional ones:
3. No posting in here if you are not an insomniac.
4. No posting if you waste biscuits on dogs.


BSD init pwns System V
Another day (night) with a broken leg.. Reporting Back guys.. its raining here in Himachal and the weather is cool at 22 degrees.. will be a cool night yaar...


Pawned!... Beyond GODLIKE
mere Kal exams hain and i am returning to digit's insomniacs group after a very long time.

i am forgettin each and everything i hav prepared and dogs r bakin like mads outside my house.

full tension
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