Calling all Insomniacs..


 Macboy
Uska to matlab hee nahin!

Anyway, Shantanu, being you have mod powers n all, how about giving some 1:00 a.m. to 7 a.m. ban to metalheadgautham and Pathiks? Both those guys are just spamming this thread...


Love Tech More than food
Duh .. I was busy with something else or wouldve replied here earlier .. :p ..

Is there any relationship between Insomnia and hunger ..?? I feel damn hungry in night ... :| ... So mostly munching some junk food while surfing / coding ..

THe same thing happens to me i feel hungry as well as thirsty during the a matter of fact i wake up normally till 3 and maximum--> :eek: dont sleep at all...but do go to sleep the next day noon.

----So i am in too


you want your metal head off your body dude :D lol .. i aint leaving waise.. but i can make you leave .. want that dude ? 1day to 3 years what ever just say ? :D:D:D


help needed with blogging..

i need to post a review in my review page, but when i post it is displayed on the main page ? what should i do ?
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