Calling all Insomniacs..


 Macboy
Shantanu, time to moderate his ass. Delete all those spam posts of his (which is pretty much all of it). In fact, it would be better to just delete his user account. :D


Unmountable Boot Volume
Move aside, night man is here :D


look.. he's coming from inside the forum :p


left this forum longback
reporting: 3:33AM
status: hearing suresh wadkars evergreen songs 8) [original cd bought,unlike some frauds who installs os x on pc and preaching about anti-piracy :rolleyes: ]


 Macboy
Still alive. Doing the thing. Listening to Coldplay's Violet Hill on the iPhone. Downloading stuff. Scratching b**ls


my god you guys are awesomely sorry to say ULLU type lol
bhai log offended mat hona :D

the biggest spammer of this forum is GOOBI :D
well this post shows i am too awake and online till :D


 Macboy
my god you guys are awesomely sorry to say ULLU type lol
bhai log offended mat hona :D

the biggest spammer of this forum is GOOBI :D
well this post shows i am too awake and online till :D
I see my secret workings on this forum have been revealed!!! Yes! I am a spammer! And the very fact that I typed this post proves that I am.

Goodnight praka :)
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