C Language Exercises...

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Always in Dreams...
Can anyone tell me about the Online resources and Websites for C programming and It's Exercises.
I am a BCA I Year Student. So I need to study C language so much.
Though i have the book "Programming in ANSI C with E.Balagurusamy".
But most of it's exercises are too difficult for a I Year Student to understand .
And it's online resources are not sufficient.


In the zone
before posting a thread,
1) try googling
2)[thread=87644]search for existing threads[/thread]

i would suggest you to go for other books instead of ANSI C.
C Programming language by K&R is my favorite, or deitel's "C how to program" and plenty of online resources..!! and try with more of sample programs, so that you can get familiarized.


Right off the assembly line
I ll suggest you...to go for www.w3school.com for basic C tutorial....u ll get clear idea from those examples....

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Do questions from the book you're studying. And don't study from only one book. After you've finished one try reading some more books.
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