C/C++ Beginner's Guide and Post Basic Questions here

Wow. I think I forgot to be vocal about my hate for TC++ in this thread. Those who know me, and those who are regulars on the IRC channel know how much I hate it. I wrote a TC++ specific guide, because TechnoBOY asked a TC++ question, and if he's a newbie, then he's probably being taught TC++, because our syllabus is so awesome.

Personally, I used GCC C++ compiler on Linux Ubuntu.

So, I do take my life seriously. And I am not sheep in a herd.

I do appreciate your concern though. If more people were like you, the era of TC++ would've been over long ago.

Sorry mate, didn't knew about that. GCC FTW! Era of TC++ is long gone. We just have to delete it form or college systems one by one. Now that I know college's admin password, I prepared a shell script that deletes the TC++ directory on startup and installed it on each PC in our lab. Evil + technology = rule the world!


I find 2 versions of head first c on flipkart both published in 2012 but with different isbn :

9781449399917 - book 1

9789350236925 - book 2

1st one is selling on the publisher's site: Head First C*-*O'Reilly Media

which one to use?


Sorry mate, didn't knew about that. GCC FTW! Era of TC++ is long gone. We just have to delete it form or college systems one by one. Now that I know college's admin password, I prepared a shell script that deletes the TC++ directory on startup and installed it on each PC in our lab. Evil + technology = rule the world!
Nice man! :mrgreen: Will do something similar for AutoCAD 2004 and TC++ in my college :D


The Power of x480
Staff member
Our school PCs are being upgraded with Windows 8.1, and we will run TC++ on DOSBox. -_-

Who the hell told then about DOSBox. Nobody but you I hunch. This was the perfect opportunity to get out of TC++. "Madam Windows 8.1 pe MinGW hi chalta hai."


The Linux Guy
Who the hell told then about DOSBox. Nobody but you I hunch. This was the perfect opportunity to get out of TC++. "Madam Windows 8.1 pe MinGW hi chalta hai."

Our computer textbook tells us to run TC++ inside DOSBox in appendix section.
GHANTA! Python is here only for namesake. All the schools still teach TC++.

You have two optional subjects -Computer Science and Information Practices. Computer Sciences includes C++ and MySQL whereas Information Practices includes Python (earlier Java and even earlier VB) and MySQL. It's up to the school which elective subjects they offer to student. I myself had Information Practices and learned Java.


Legend Never Ends
[MENTION=46039]RBX[/MENTION] The C++ books used in +2 level is the one written by Sumita Arora. It's more or less the de-facto book throughout the country.


In the zone
[MENTION=57860]thetechfreak[/MENTION] Yes, I remember now. That was the one I read for VB6/Oracle.
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