Buying Benq E2420


Broken In

I want to know where I can buy this monitor from. I reside in Bangalore and tried at Binary world but they said they dont have it and will try and arrange it.

Also, if anyone here has bought it (I tried to search for reviews but didnt get many) can you please comment if it has performed well (I read the expert reviews and they say its a great VFM)..

Any idea how much will it come for??

Same questions about Samsung pX2370 because couldnt find that at BW too...

Thanks in advance



Broken In
Yeah I saw it on the Lynx website but they are ridiculously overpriced as compared to SMC and BW ;...did you have any other site in mind??


Point Blanc
otherwise the chances that you get this monitor in Bangalore local shops is almost null. they keep LG's display similar to samsung 2370 series
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