Budget gaming rig at 25-30k


Broken In
1. What is the purpose of the computer? What all applications and games are you going to run? (Stupid answers like 'gaming' or 'office work' will not work. Be exact. Which games? Which applications? Avoid the word 'et cetera.')
Ans:Mostly to play games (Fifa 13,COD,AC,Max payne 3,New GTA) and watch movies.

2. What is your overall budget? If you can extend a bit for a more balanced configuration, then mention this too.
Ans: 25k can extend to 30 max

3. Planning to overclock?

4. Which Operating System are you planning to use?
Ans:win xp or win 8

5. How much hard drive space is needed?
Ans:500GB if budget permits 1TB

6. Do you want to buy a monitor? If yes, please mention which screen size and resolution do you want. If you already have a monitor and want to reuse it, again mention the size and resolution of monitor you have.
Ans:No , already have 19' acer LCD.

7. Which components you DON'T want to buy or which components you already have and plan on reusing?
Ans:Monitor ,keyboard mouse, and speakers.

8. When are you planning to buy the system?
Ans:Feb End or March 1st Week

9. Have you ever built a desktop before or will this be done by an assembler?
Ans:A friend will assemble it.

10. Where do you live? Are you buying locally? Are you open to buying stuff from online shops if you don't get locally?
Ans:Mumbai, will probably buy from lamington or online.

11. Anything else which you would like to say?
Ans: No.


Look at shankar36 's (PC for 35-40k) thread in this section and get the idea....

you just have to remove monitor and everything will fit in....


Broken In
Thanks draco, checked that thread and config is without a dedicated GPU,i was thinking to go for one with a dedicated GPU.
what do you think about the below config i found that in another thread

Intel i3 3120 - 6500/-
Gigabyte B75M-D3H @ 4K
4GB Vengeance - 1000/-
WD Blue 500GB- 3000/-
Sapphire/MSI HD7850 - 13000/-
Coolermaster Elite 310 Cabinet - 1800/-
Asus DVD Writer - 1000/-
Corsair GS600 - 4500/-

total 33.8 K

but this overshoots my budget , may be i can go for a cheaper GPU around 9-10 k , if the config is fine.
CPU: i3 3220 (7000)
motherboard: Gigabyte b75m dh3 (4000)
GPU: MSI HD7770 (8200)
Hard disk: WD blue 1 TB (4500)
PSU: Corsair cx430v2 (2600)

total: 26300


CPU: i3 3220 (7000)
motherboard: Gigabyte b75m dh3 (4000)
GPU: Sapphire HD7850 (14000)
Hard disk: WD blue 1 TB (4500)
PSU: Corsair cx430v2 (2600)

total: 32100

Spending 2100 over your max budget will give you better gaming experience, however HD7770 is not bad either. Go for second config if you can get 2100 extra.



Intel i3 3220 - rs 7000
Gigabyte b75 d3h - rs 4100
Corsair 4gb ddr3 ram - rs 1400
Saphhire hd 7770 1gb - rs 9000
Wd cavier blue 500gb hd - rs 3300
Corsair cs 430w psu - rs 2600
Lg dvd writer - rs 1000
Iball/Vip cabinet - rs 1000

TOTAL rs - 29,800

1)hd 7770 is best for you and easily handle games at high upto res 1400*900
2)Intel i3 has hyperthreating means it will act like quad core and speed up the applications and multithreated games
3)This rig will easily beat amd a10 in all aspects.

Thanks draco, checked that thread and config is without a dedicated GPU,i was thinking to go for one with a dedicated GPU.
what do you think about the below config i found that in another thread

Intel i3 3120 - 6500/-
Gigabyte B75M-D3H @ 4K
4GB Vengeance - 1000/-
WD Blue 500GB- 3000/-
Sapphire/MSI HD7850 - 13000/-
Coolermaster Elite 310 Cabinet - 1800/-
Asus DVD Writer - 1000/-
Corsair GS600 - 4500/-

total 33.8 K

but this overshoots my budget , may be i can go for a cheaper GPU around 9-10 k , if the config is fine.

3 mistakes there: 1)corsair vengance price is 1.4-1.6k
2)you not need 600 w as cx 500w is enough
3)where did intel released i3 3210? in mumbai i3 sells at rs 6800-7100 (13 3220)


In the zone
3)where did intel released i3 3210? in mumbai i3 sells at rs 6800-7100 (13 3220)
ARK | Intel® Core i3 3210 is for Rs.6300 and i3 3220 is for Rs.6600 in Nehru Place

3)where did intel released i3 3210? in mumbai i3 sells at rs 6800-7100 (13 3220)
*ark.intel.com/products/71053/Intel-Core-i3-3210-Processor-3M-Cache-3_20-GHz i3 3210 is for Rs.6300 and i3 3220 is for Rs.6600 in Nehru Place


Broken In
thanks guys

i was just thinking , if i extend my budget and go for Sapphire HD7850,would Corsair cs 430w work or would i need to go for a different PSU.
harshil has mentioned above that it should be fine, just wanted to confirm.
thanks guys i was just thinking , if i extend my budget and go for Sapphire HD7850,would Corsair cs 430w work or would i need to go for a different PSU.harshil has mentioned above that it should be fine, just wanted to confirm.
Its Corsair cx430v2, not cs430, I guess anish spelled it wrong. Yes it will be sufficient.


Actually if you can manage, it will game way better than a10

only suggested it for budget constraints(which i guess is absent here)

go with the config suggested by harshil....

Actually if you can manage, it will game way better than a10

only suggested it for budget constraints(which i guess is absent here)

go with the config suggested by harshil....( but do add a 4 gb ram which i suppose he forgot to add)

it will cost a bit more but will give excellent performance for 2-3 years at least.....


Broken In
thanks guys

budget constraint is still there.
but will probabaly buy the rig without the GPU and get the GPU in april.

will go for below rig

Intel i3 3220 - rs 7000
Gigabyte b75 d3h - rs 4100
Corsair 4gb ddr3 ram - rs 1400
Sapphire HD7850 - 13000/- (will add in april)
Wd cavier blue 500gb hd - rs 3300
Corsair cx 430w psu - rs 2600
Lg dvd writer - rs 1000
Cooler master elite 210/310 - 2000

Will get rates from local dealers soon


Broken In
Hey guys ,

I know you said cx430 will work with Sapphire HD7850.

I see that requirement is for 500W PSU.


You see, i dont wanna end up short on power.
The config you've mentioned will coomsume max ~320 W, you can find the power requirement of the system from eXtreme Power Supply Calculator AMD usually states a higher wattage to keep things on a safe line. If you want, you can get Corsair CX500v2 at 3400.


Broken In
Thanks harshil,

I will go with 500W PSU.
Any other PSU than Corsair

Also got rates from one shop in lamington.

i3 3220 3.3 ghz Combined 10700
Gigabyte b75md3h

4gb corsair vengeance 1600
1 tb Seagate HDD 3900
Lg optical drive 900
Cooler master 310 1875
7770/hd7850 7900/12300


Cyborg Agent
Always stick with corsair or seasonic PSU's only.

And the suggested Cx430V2 or Cx500v2 are best in the class. Pick it up or else you can look for Seasonic 520W as well (just giving you another option)..


@vicky can you tell me name of store as price is great! Which brand of hd 7770 and hd 7850 they are giving?
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