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User Name

In the zone
I can't able to open some websites(mostly forums) by BSNL BB.I turn off windows firewall still prob.remains the same.
i can't understand why this is happening:confused:
I use AVG antivirus and anti this becoz of anti spyware?


This happens sometimes in BSNL BB to me also. I dont think its a problem with your anti-spyware or anti-virus software.:)
User Name

User Name

In the zone
any other fast working DNS?

Basically i don't hav any dns given by bsnl.
i use dns given in modem manual (


œ∑´®†¥¨ˆøπåß∂ƒ©˙∆˚¬Ω≈ ç√∫˜
how do i get these credentials.. they gave a connection and nothing else :(


Chosen of the Omnissiah
dns change works...but ping times for open dns > bsnl dns
For me ping times are faster for OpenDNS than BSNL DNS.

@User Name.... more information about switching to OpenDNS is here: *
Select any option Computer or Router. Both will work.
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