BSNL and M/s Huawei at logger heads with 3 G Data woes


In the zone
It is not a open secret any more. With mounting 3 G data woes of Bsnl customers especially in the southern states where M/s huawei is a 3 G Network infrastrucure maintenance contractor,
the 3 G data woes (frequent disconnection, slow speed etc).
Bsnl corpotate Office where the Reports are pouring, passing the buck to circle GMs to sort out the issues, which is not helping either..

One of the circle Genera Manager has pointed this fact in his letter about the difficulties faced by the BSNL customers in his letter
As one Engineer from M/s Huawei put it clearly across the discussion board, ‘we are in a job todo the network up running, the unlimited plans where many users rush with higher speed data cards than the announced speed is putting much strain on the network and only the particular section is benefited where as other users are left with little speed , so we are capping them, to give other users a chance to use the network”.

But BSNL side counter this view, “they have no business to tell us what to do?.. their job is to maintaining the network.” that is all.. But they are capping the users in the unlimited and disconnecting afterwards.. this left with frequent complaints from BSNL users which is tarnishing the BSNL image..”

It is more likely the competitors are delighted

Now after the feedback BSNL think tank(? if any?) has some suggestion..
Cap the speed at 3.1 mbps (which is announced speed..
Users want the more speed may get limited speed or fairusuage policy
Unlimited data plans may be again back to Rs.3000/(without any data speed cap or with speed upto only 3.1 mbps at current price of Rs.1500/ (which is still cheap than the competitors.
Do nothing.. simply wait for the inevitable..(very likely a BSNL style..


Uhu, Not Gonna Happen!
I do not know why the hue and cry. If you do not like BSNL services, no body is pointing a gun on you...move on, try some different service provider.

I still think BSNL has got best network and infrastructure than any private player out there.
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