brought china n95- my my experience and some doubts

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Hey here is the aks

hey alsiladka r u talking of n95 lookalike chinese model which mobileman is telling.. if yes then i want to say that i havnt seen it but my chinese mobile pda with tv is good.. and if anybdy has any doubt then he can ask me abt my mobile


In the zone
qadirahmed said:
sorry dude...... u cant install any application......
and am very sorry to say very soon ur going to face a problem.....
i mean ur fone is going to restart again and again...... this is the least prob...
which most of the ppls face.......

just do praying....... not to get this problem or else find a bakra........


this is also one of the china fone........

have a look

well, if things are becoming as u were said, I will kep this n my showcase.
do u knw, I hope, the internal components will be a little same as some other major brands.

isn't it ?
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