Probably the Monitor you're using is Faulty. try using the same monitor in a DVD, and try increasing the brightness from the DVD remote. If the results are persistent, the answer is THE MONITOR IS FAULTY.
The Sound in the speaker, hmmm its due to the loose connection of the jack with the mobo. Try pushing the jack into the mobo and hold it firmly, and check if the "murmur" sound still persists. If it does, try changing the jack cable. If still it does, try plugging in a Headphone into the jack and check if the "murmur" sounds still persists. If it doesn't the speaker is faulty and if it doesn't, I believe the jack output of the mobo is either jammed or blocked. So clean the jack with a earbud soaked with a spirit solution.
The Bluetooth device has stopped working indicates that the driver of the Bluetooth device is Either NOT for Vista. I recommend upgrading to a Win7 x64 platform.
The last line means nothing except for people taking the pain to google x64 capable processors.